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Comments 23

a_phoenixdragon December 31 2014, 20:06:57 UTC
OMG!! I love Blackadder III (it's my fav, actually!) and I look forward to reading this!

Anything that is Five-ish Reboot is bound to be good - and this looks like great fun! Thank you, thank you!



lost_spook January 1 2015, 12:51:26 UTC
Aw, enjoy! They're both great, I promise! ;-)


persiflage_1 December 31 2014, 20:51:16 UTC
Oooh! I beta-read the Five(ish) Doctors fic! And it was, indeed, fun!


lost_spook January 1 2015, 12:52:30 UTC
It's brilliant! Aw, well, good work there/lucky you! ;-) (That gave me a last minute clue as to who the author was there, as well. Somehow I hadn't thought about dbskyler writing in that fandom, although I should have done.)


persiflage_1 January 1 2015, 14:05:12 UTC
Hee. Yeah, it's good.


dbskyler January 5 2015, 18:38:19 UTC
Yes, it's my second Yuletide in a row writing for a Whoniverse-related fandom. At least this time it was my first experience writing fic for the fandom, as opposed to last year, when I was writing and posting SJA fic for dw_50ficathon while I was working on my SJA assignment for Yuletide.

Thanks for the rec! And LOL at Pers -- I wanted to post "shh!" when she did that, but I figured that would be counter-productive. :D


oonaseckar January 1 2015, 10:00:39 UTC
Archer's Goon! *happy shrieks* Almost as good as if it was Homeward Bounders... *sadface* *resolves to get involved and get on that next year*


lost_spook January 1 2015, 10:40:26 UTC
There is Homeward Bounders fic! I just hadn't got to that bit of the alphabet when I posted this, but read a couple more last night & reach the end of H, and here you go:

Emptiness in Harmony (2134 words) by Cyphomandra
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Homeward Bounders - Diana Wynne Jones
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen Haras-Uquara, Jamie Hamilton
Additional Tags: Misses Clause Challenge, Post-Canon, Canon Character of Color
Helen returns Home.


oonaseckar January 1 2015, 10:47:44 UTC
Oh man! You're the best! And it's Helen and Jamie! *extra squeals*


paranoidangel42 January 1 2015, 11:53:51 UTC
I'm so glad you recced The Avengers fic, because I had missed that there was any Avengers fic in there! And this one was good.


lost_spook January 1 2015, 12:52:58 UTC
My pleasure! I'm glad you enjoyed it too. :-)


liadtbunny January 1 2015, 16:38:56 UTC
I used to love the TV version of Archer's Goon as a child & DtDD:)

Avengers gen woo-hoo!


lost_spook January 1 2015, 16:49:03 UTC
Yep! Yule treats for all! \o/


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