Found, one meme entry...

Dec 14, 2014 17:54

I started this ages ago & then found it again just now, and have finished it off & here it is! (I think I'd done it because I only semi-did this meme last time, and then everyone else did it properly and I thought I should too. Looking at the results, obviously I was right ( Read more... )

babylon 5, cally (b7), cora mills, frank marker, steel, fannish nonsense, liz shaw, g'kar, doctor who, twelfth doctor, random generators, belle, silver, sapphire and steel, blake's 7, miss marple, henry vii, once upon a time, meme

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Comments 27

oonaseckar December 14 2014, 18:32:16 UTC
I don't even know what that means, but it's a murder mystery involving weird time anomalies.
This sounds awesome - imagine how simultaneously easy and incredibly difficult it would be to solve a murder in a world that had time machines. Depending on who got hold of it. Very useful for covering up evidence and re-writing history!

Someone haaaaas to write this!


john_amend_all December 14 2014, 18:53:20 UTC
There's always Crime Traveller, I suppose...


oonaseckar December 15 2014, 15:24:50 UTC
I'll have to check it out!


john_amend_all December 15 2014, 19:58:35 UTC
I wouldn't go in with high hopes. As TV Tropes puts it: "The description of the show sounds very intriguing. Many people found the actual show to be a disappointment."


persiflage_1 December 14 2014, 18:43:49 UTC
7 - Maybe it's Inferno's Evil!Liz?


lost_spook December 15 2014, 18:32:11 UTC
True! Good point. :-)


persiflage_1 December 15 2014, 18:33:26 UTC


john_amend_all December 15 2014, 19:59:54 UTC
If it is, I'm sure Miss Marple will have her back on the side of good in no time.


a_phoenixdragon December 14 2014, 18:53:52 UTC
*Claps hands with Joy!!*

This was awesome!! What fantastically odd pairings and meet-ups and mash-ups and cock-ups!! Just...MARVELOUS, lol!!



lost_spook December 16 2014, 16:58:16 UTC
Ha, glad you enjoyed the nonsense too - I do so get a kick out of these silly sorts of things, I really do! :-)


astrogirl2 December 14 2014, 19:05:26 UTC
Oh, god. These are, as always, hilarious and awesome.

Cora and Twelve as buddy cops is indeed terrifying, and, man, now I sort of want to see it. Or at least see the two of them together. Twelve and Steel being grumpy at each other would be entertaining, too.

And you're right, those aliens always, always pick the worst possible combinations of people. I'm starting to think they're doing it deliberately! Maybe it's some kind of wacky alien reality show, in which the audience expects things to go badly. If not, they really, really should take Belle up on the offer of those sex ed books. Actually, I think in one iteration of this meme, I also had Belle pointing out that there are many good books on the subject. I don't think it worked out then, either.

And, hey, G'Kar might already have the eyepatch for the pirate AU!


lost_spook December 16 2014, 16:59:35 UTC
And you're right, those aliens always, always pick the worst possible combinations of people. I'm starting to think they're doing it deliberately! Maybe it's some kind of wacky alien reality show, in which the audience expects things to go badly.

Oh, my, now there's an idea and a half for crack fic! :lol: (And, hey, Bell's a librarian, she'll keep trying, even if it doesn't work out.)

And, hey, G'Kar might already have the eyepatch for the pirate AU!

:lol; True! I feel sure he would enjoy it as well...


astrogirl2 December 14 2014, 19:07:46 UTC
Oh, and I almost forgot to say! Thank you for the rec! :)


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