Title: Star Sleepers
lost_spookRating: All ages
Word Count: 1316
Characters/Pairings: Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, First Doctor, Vicki (mild Ian/Barbara)
Notes/Warnings: None.
Summary: The TARDIS lands in the strangest places sometimes…
flowsoffire in the
500 Prompts Meme: # 191. You're/He's/She's/I'm/They're only sleeping - First Doctor and companion
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Comments 31
And the frozen passengers never waking up, which I suppose would have saved on having to pay the actors for speaking roles.
And the frozen passengers never waking up, which I suppose would have saved on having to pay the actors for speaking roles.
I'm a lazy thoughtful scriptwriter.
eheheheheh, I would love to see a Dr Who/Cap'n Birdseye partnership, now... Sweet as the moment when the Tardis went EERrwWwoooooSHHHhEERrwWwoooooSHHHhEERrwWwoooooSHHHh!
hehe, and after all the advanced electronic fiddle-faddling, everything rests on a little bit of string, clever... What a Macgyver the Doctor is, really.
You can't go wrong with a bit of string. *nods* Thank you!
Perfection, sweetie!
And, as to the One-watching, how lovely! Where are you up to and are you all enjoying it? Any favourites so far?
We are now up to...*thinks* Well, we just finished the first half of 'The Arc'. Tis slow going now that they are back in school, but this seems to not matter to them one bit! Eleventy is their 'first Doctor' (Ronin doesn't remember Ten) and he is their fav. But Ronin adores the First as well. Think the boyo will be like me and love them all Because DOCTOR. *Laughs* And now they're growing up (properly) on it like Mama did.
I'm such a dork.
Lessee...Jayden loves anything with Daleks. And the first episode with them is his fav. He freaked out a little and loved every second! I think Ronin's favorite was 'The Aztecs' though he'd pull a 'Mama' and go 'I really have no fav...can we watch more Doctor Who now?' *CACKLES*
And, aww, well, Daleks are Daleks aren't they? And The Aztecs is very good. If you had to pin me down and make me choose a favourite Hartnell, that would probably be mine.
'I really have no fav...can we watch more Doctor Who now?' *CACKLES*ETA: once, a few years ago, I was in a big video shop, looking at things, and a mother and her child were closely looking at the DWs and the mother stopped and said, all embarrassed, "He loves Doctor Who, but he'll only watch Colin Baker!" And so I helped show her which were the Sixth Doctor stories (she was hoping for a box set), and went off very happy, because that just made my ( ... )
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