Fic: Star Sleepers (DW)

Sep 13, 2014 13:31

Title: Star Sleepers
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 1316
Characters/Pairings: Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, First Doctor, Vicki (mild Ian/Barbara)
Notes/Warnings: None.
Summary: The TARDIS lands in the strangest places sometimes…

For flowsoffire in the 500 Prompts Meme: # 191. You're/He's/She's/I'm/They're only sleeping - First Doctor and companion ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, ian chesterton, vicki, first doctor, doctor who, 500 prompts, barbara wright

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Comments 31

dbskyler September 13 2014, 16:08:45 UTC
Oh, wonderful! That totally had the "feel" of a First Doctor episode. I loved it. : )


lost_spook September 14 2014, 11:53:22 UTC
Thank you! :-D


astrogirl2 September 13 2014, 16:12:26 UTC
Man, you have their dialog so spot-on it's almost scary. And the piece of string made me laugh. :)


lost_spook September 14 2014, 11:54:17 UTC
Aw, thanks! (I think! :lol:) I do love them, so I'm glad. And, as for the string, it's a bit of cheat... but then, so is the Doctor!


astrogirl2 September 14 2014, 12:00:10 UTC
It's totally his sort of cheating. :)


flowsoffire September 13 2014, 16:59:30 UTC
Ohhhhh, yay! :D Will read this and drop you a comment on AO3 ASAP! (I'm behind in fic-reading but I wanted to gush ;))


lost_spook September 14 2014, 11:54:54 UTC
Aw, cool. There's never any rush! Rl must always come first. (Not that comments aren't always wonderful, of course. ♥)


flowsoffire September 14 2014, 19:17:09 UTC
^_^ (Well, in my case it's not like there's much of a RL, lol. I'm always a bit overwhelmed fandom-wise, obsessive personalities ftw.)


kronette September 13 2014, 19:27:53 UTC
Oh! Grumpy First Doctor and Ian and Barbara :) Very nice indeed.


lost_spook September 14 2014, 11:55:06 UTC
Thank you! :-)


llywela13 September 13 2014, 20:56:50 UTC
Aww, nice!


lost_spook September 14 2014, 11:55:20 UTC
Thank you! :-)


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