30 Days of [Any Favourite] TV Show - 3

Apr 26, 2014 14:14

6. Best title sequencePublic Eye had a different title sequence each series (except for S3), and I quite like most of them. However, while the usual theme is my favourite, you've got to give them points for S4: they not only made a new credit sequence, they recorded a different, slower and more downbeat version of the theme, and then "Welcome to ( Read more... )

alfred burke, 1960s, 1970s, picspam, roger marshall, public eye, pauline delany, 30 days of public eye, meme

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Comments 16

persiflage_1 April 26 2014, 14:26:39 UTC
If only we had the TARDIS!! We could whisk back to the 60s and save EVERYTHING!


lost_spook April 26 2014, 15:59:07 UTC
Yes! We would save ALL THE THINGS and then still have time for our epic theatre tour. (Which is getting longer by the day, because I need to go see Alfred Burke in Henry VI in 1956 as well now, is that okay? I suspect somehow that we also have a list of Judi dates to attend to...)



persiflage_1 April 26 2014, 16:30:22 UTC
*giggles* Yes - I want to see Judi in ALL THE PLAYS!!


lost_spook April 26 2014, 19:10:05 UTC
We might need to split up on occasion to accommodate all our wishes!

Wouldn't it be awesome, though? :-D


liadtbunny April 26 2014, 14:28:22 UTC
I think I prefer the downbeat S4 one to the usual theme, it matches the opening sequence on the beach nicely too.

I'm quite fond of the Frank/Mug/Helen one as I've seen it so often:) Nice 70's wallpaper on the out of context one - a touch of green daring!


lost_spook April 26 2014, 15:57:52 UTC
I'm prejudiced against the S4 one, because it reminds me of how unbearably bleak the first 3 episodes seem. The usual one has the right mix of both melancholy but being fundamentally upbeat. (I say the usual one, but I think it's slightly different between several of the series...)

Yes, sorry. I wanted to be interesting... but Frank/Helen/Mug/Tea. What can you do?

And I'm sure we used to have a sort of orange wallpaper like that in our kitchen when I was very small. 0_o


swordznsorcery April 26 2014, 16:35:26 UTC
I think I'm immediately prejudiced in favour of the series four theme, because it comes with the Thames jingle. I appreciate that this isn't proper critical thinking, but it's the Thames jingle!

And that orange wallpaper! Yikes. Twinned with that lady's remarkable housecoat, there's no doubting which decade the screencap comes from, is there! Actually that wallpaper is a bit like my parents' old kitchen floor.

Can I come with you in the TARDIS, when you go looking for lost episodes?!


lost_spook April 26 2014, 19:13:47 UTC
If you look further on YT, you can find the 1971 intro & I think S7, both with Thames jingle for non-prejudiced comparison? ;-p

(I used to hate the Thames jingle because it meant Rainbow to me. I used to find Rainbow deadly dull when I was small. I've forgiven Thames since, because they did make some good grown-up TV, it seems.)

I think it's a dressing gown, but it's still... yes! It must be the 1970s!

Can I come with you in the TARDIS, when you go looking for lost episodes?!

I don't see why not - after all, we're bound to need a hand with breaking into TV vaults and swiping all those videotapes they want to wipe over and darting into skips to retrieve things from the flames.

You just need to understand that we're combining it with an epic Shakespearean Theatre tour of the 1960s, 70s, 80s & 90s. :-)


swordznsorcery April 26 2014, 19:48:37 UTC
Oh, that's fine. You go be Shakespearean, and I shall stalk Queen and the E Street Band through a succession of landmark concerts.

Heck yes, Thames and "Rainbow". I always used to associate the two as well. What was the appeal of "Rainbow" exactly? One of those shows that made me an ardent fan of Children's BBC.


lost_spook April 27 2014, 08:36:59 UTC
I feel sure I did kind of like Rainbow once, but as I headed to school age, it induced a kind of sense of horror in me. I never thought about telling someone I didn't like it. I never realised you could stop things like that happening to you. :-)

Sounds like an arrangement! Mind, I think we also need to fit in a couple performances from the 50s as well now, but you can probably find a way to watch 50s TV and film it (and then try and fake it that you found old cine reel or something).


sallymn April 27 2014, 22:10:00 UTC
I like the music... especially the second version :)


lost_spook April 28 2014, 16:26:20 UTC

Everyone but me prefers the S4 version! I wonder if it's the difference between it in isolation and it as the sole source of incidental music in the show? (Intro, outro, and two ad-break stings). Or just that it reminds me how bleak the first half of S4 is. Or I lack taste... Hmm.

Anyway, everything's better than the time they startled me by finishing up with a version of "Ding Dong Merrily On High" for the outro instead.


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