30 Days of [Any Favourite] TV Show - 3

Apr 26, 2014 14:14

6. Best title sequence

Public Eye had a different title sequence each series (except for S3), and I quite like most of them. However, while the usual theme is my favourite, you've got to give them points for S4: they not only made a new credit sequence, they recorded a different, slower and more downbeat version of the theme, and then "Welcome to Brighton?" had a separate, shorter credits sequence used only on that episode, in which we flick through Frank's prison file, which doubles up as a way of reminding viewers where they left him at the end of S3. If anybody could have forgotten...

The main/original theme and the rearranged S4 theme. (Written by Robert Sharples under the pseudonym Robert Earley).

8. Missing episode you would like to see found.

All thirty-six of them, of course! Narrowing it down, I'm more keen to see anything from S2 or 3 than S1, but anything would be wonderful. Everything that survives suggests it was always of a pretty high quality, and any tiny piece of Frank Marker than could be restored to the world would be amazing. (Sadly, they were wiped rather than lost, so... it's not likely, to say the least). Especially, I'd like the 8 lost Roger Marshall episodes, the 6 lost Robert Holmes stories, the David Whittaker, and the one that had Jacqueline Pearce in it, and also Pauline Delany's first guest appearance, but if you pin me down and make me choose one, then there's only really one answer...

"Cross That Palm When We Come To It" (S3) by Roger Marshall, the episode in which Frank gets set up and arrested, and there is no escape or proving his innocence for him. Viewers at the time wrote in demanding Frank's release, so maybe it was too heart-breaking to survive, but still, it's a crime that it doesn't.

9. Favourite photo/screencap

I thought about this, and flicked through my epic collection, but honestly:

Frank/Helen/Mug/Tea = ♥

I quite like this one, too, which is Helen early on wondering what to make of a man who gets annoyed and offended just because she made him sandwiches to take to work:

And this has to be the weirdest out of context:

While this encapsulates rather a lot of the series into one image:

30 Days of [Public Eye]

1. Favourite Episode
2. What You Wish Happened
3. Favourite regular character
4. Favourite guest character
5. Least favourite episode
6. Best title sequence
7. Most romantic moment
8. Missing episode you would like to see found
9. Favourite photo/screencap
10. Favourite ship
11. Favourite writer
12. Favourite director
13. What show-related fanworks would you like to see?
14. Worst decision
15. Scene that made your heart break
16. Best scene involving eating/drinking
17. Something that made you happy
18. Something that made you sad
19. Something that made you think
20. Something that made you laugh
21. Best series opener
22. Best season finale
23. Crackiest moment
24. Best scene involving music/dancing
25. Crime against fashion
26. Favourite quotes
27. Favourite non-romantic OTP
28. Most surprising moment
29. Favourite location
30. Favourite costume/clothing/accessory

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

alfred burke, 1960s, 1970s, picspam, roger marshall, public eye, pauline delany, 30 days of public eye, meme

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