Fic: Matters of No Moment

Mar 16, 2014 17:25

I have one of my other shows ready to go (or almost) but also had this now ready too, which it seemed sensible to post first...

Title: Matters of No Moment
Author: lost_spook
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~3890
Notes/Warnings: Anna, Charles Terrell, Colonel Michael Seaton
Summary: They’re all used to keeping secrets, but maybe it’s the things ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, heroes of the revolution, alfred burke, original fiction, gemma jones, isurrendered, julian glover

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Comments 16

swordznsorcery March 16 2014, 19:17:55 UTC
I don't have time to read this now. I'll come back to it. I just wanted to say that I love that you've written it! Don't apologise. You've created a great theoretical show, and I quite understand the temptation. Believe me, I've come close several times to writing my show for real. Will you be iconning as well?!


lost_spook March 16 2014, 20:04:41 UTC
Thanks! I confess that I wrote stuff for the shows I invented last time as well, although not yet for somebody else's show, but only because there's not enough time (and brain) in the world. :-)

Icons... not really! I'd do a fanmix, if I had more than 3 songs, but icons are out until I can fix this thing with Photobucket and somebody hotlinking. (I keep deleting stuff, but I still haven't got the culprit icon yet, worse luck. *sigh*)

ETA: You should totally give in and write pirates! Just a drabble! (Look at the comm: most of us wind up committing fic...)


swordznsorcery March 18 2014, 02:02:47 UTC
This is really good. I'm quite taken with Charles. From this, and your original postings, he's definitely the character that I find most interesting, and most compelling as well, I think. I'm interested in his backstory, and there are interesting flashes of it here. Nice work.


lost_spook March 18 2014, 09:21:27 UTC
Thank you! :-) I think Charles is the one who's most retained the ability to step back from the situation and see the deeper problems, which makes him an easy pov character to do.

I really do want to play with the whole thing some more, though - I think, with the shows I've done before (and probably the other two this time), they're things I can file away to do something seriously with maybe one day who knows, but... I really can't do anything like that with something that I did make that bit too much like a 1970s TV show! I might try doing it for runaway_tales or something while things are still the way they are with rl. Or, of course, just get distracted by someth- Oh, look, a butterfly!! ;-D


persiflage_1 March 16 2014, 19:57:58 UTC
Oooh, intriguing...


lost_spook March 16 2014, 20:02:08 UTC
Thank you! :-)


oonaseckar March 17 2014, 08:48:56 UTC
Poor Charles. I guess I'm supposed to find him the most sympathetic character, however compromised he feels? All the shifts and subterfuges and unsafe ground he's occupied. Mostly my mind gets drawn back to his period in the detention centre. Will you be pre-series ficcing that? It has to have been a moral crisis and a half.


lost_spook March 17 2014, 13:01:13 UTC
Aw, thanks for reading! And I hadn't really thought about it that way (as in who's supposed to be the most sympathetic), but probably in this, yes. And I think the three main characters are all dealing with fundamentally the same issue, but Charles is the one who has either the most awareness of that, or perhaps rather just that he's retained a sense of proportion. Also, this fic is slightly more about him, really.

I, er, hadn't thought about writing that. Until now. *helplessly thinks about writing it*



liadtbunny April 3 2014, 14:26:58 UTC
I'm slow, but I get there in the end.

Poor Charles. Who knew getting a job in govt could be so cringey. I've read 'Bent Cops' so he shouldn't worry about having an affair with his handler; happens all the time;)

I like how you built up the uncertainty pre-revolution - not knowing people's real names or their motives. And Anna wanting Charles to remember her mother more.


lost_spook April 3 2014, 16:27:23 UTC
Aw, thank you for reading! :-)


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