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Comments 17

persiflage_1 February 20 2014, 15:26:48 UTC
I shall have a read of those fics later.


lost_spook February 20 2014, 19:57:42 UTC


swordznsorcery February 20 2014, 19:25:37 UTC
The Brigader/Liz? That's just... wrong. But very well done for tackling that question! And I am now absolutely paranoid about Sapphire's eyes. They're blue when you notice them! The rest of the time they're just there. Did I make them the wrong colour in your fandom stocking thing?! *runs to check in a panic*

I think my surrendery thing is ready to post, but I keep getting cold feet. Maybe it needs just a bit more tweaking?! This is what happens when you design yourself the perfect TV show. You worry that nobody else will like it! :) I do look forward to reading yours eventually though (whenever you get around to it, obviously). Your seventies one is genius.


lost_spook February 20 2014, 20:00:28 UTC
Brig/Liz is one of the very best ships, all snark and repression. It is awesome, so, shh. *gives you stern look* (Doomed, I know, but brilliant. Also Brig/Liz writers are a pretty talented bunch, so I'm in excellent company.)


I will hopefully finish off the second half of the 1970s one very soon, and then the others will be much easier. For some reason, I just ended up taking the 70s one ridiculously seriously.

(Nobody can see if your show is imperfect, because the episodes don't exist. You just tell us it is awesome and we imagine it as such and lo, it is awesome! Which I'm sure it is anyway.)


swordznsorcery February 21 2014, 03:14:59 UTC
But the Brigadier is married! Twice. I suppose she could have snuck in between the two wives. Which sounds a lot more suggestive than it did when I started typing, but nevermind.


lost_spook February 21 2014, 09:32:53 UTC
Marriage 1 goes wrong at some point, though, and that leaves plenty of options. Besides, a lot of Brig/Liz is about repression and being terribly British about not having an affair. But also epic snark, at least on Liz's end. Anyway, I suppose I should stop justifying my terrible shipping habits, but... try looking at screencaps of them in Spearhead of Space out of context. (Though this one is just plain silly. :-D) I am mostly gen, but I have a few dips into obsessive shipping here and there. It happens.

Which sounds a lot more suggestive than it did when I started typing, but nevermind.

The Brigadier is considerably alarmed. He went so far as to raise his eyebrow...


honeynoir February 20 2014, 21:10:41 UTC
*cheers your fannish goals on*

Thanks for the recs! 'Fics that sound scary based on their tags but are actually little treasures' is a sorely neglected genre...


lost_spook February 21 2014, 09:36:14 UTC
Thank you! If I can stop writing for things nobody's ever heard of, I can get back into writing for things at least five people have heard of! \o/


Yes, the "No, really, don't run away! It's not that bad!" type fics. Heh.


honeynoir February 21 2014, 23:16:55 UTC
But who would write for the things nobody's heard of then? :)

Yes, the "No, really, don't run away! It's not that bad!" type fics. Heh.
Hee! It would be great if that was a recognised tag used by many people (except not overused because then you wouldn't dare read it anyway)...


lost_spook February 22 2014, 21:09:52 UTC
Life is hard. :-/

It's the sort of tag that can only be used properly on bookmarks, because otherwise you'd have to trust the author. Mind, I did once label a fic "Not As Shippy As It Sounds". That could be a tag, I suppose.


corngold February 26 2014, 05:34:53 UTC
Have just finished the Blakefest fic (finally!), and so I have wandered over here to say - I saw this post a few days ago and thought 'oo, an S&S fic I have not read,' and naturally went to read it, and loved it. Thank you very much for reccing it here! It is indeed excellent and unusual, and works incredibly well.


lost_spook February 26 2014, 17:45:01 UTC
It is so good, isn't it? As I said, I was wary of it for unfounded reasons, and then it turned out to be marvellous and exactly the right kind of weird. And OT3. (Not that I'm biased about that bit.)

Blakefest seems to be going well! I have peeked at some of the non-fic things. Hopefully I shall poke around some of the fic (without the scary tags :lol:) soon, too.


corngold February 26 2014, 17:54:21 UTC
It is! Definitely worth many re-reads. I do think second-pov can be a scary tag, and so I don't read many fics that use it - although I think most of the ones I've read have been really amazing. When used in a particular way, it can really lend an unusual atmosphere to a story which does work marvellously for S&S.

Plus, yes, bonus OT3 :)

I hear there is excellent fic that has been produced! I haven't taken a look yet, really, since I've been trying to do last minute edits and get my fic posted before the deadline became nothing but a distant memory. Mine, I will warn you right now and save you the trouble, is most probably not your cup of tea. But I'm sure there are others that you will enjoy!


lost_spook February 27 2014, 20:29:07 UTC
It is such a shame about my terrible taste in tea, but there we are... (I am sure it is marvellous fic! :-D)

And I think one of the things about S&S is that it breaks quite a lot of TV narrative rules and unsettles the viewer by doing so - so, when writing, it's in-keeping to find ways to play outside the usual narrative rules of writing. Of course, you can't do that all the time, but it's very interesting to see how different people have taken that on. And this one is very effective in a lot of ways, and I am all admiration for it.


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