Fandom Snowflake: Days 13 & 9

Feb 20, 2014 13:07

Some more for the

Day 13: In your own space, talk about setting yourself a fannish goal. Big or small, it doesn't matter. Some great examples include: complete a bingo, sign-up for a Big Bang, write that fic you've been thinking about for years, podfic that story that you love, make a fanmix for your fandom, post that bit of meta or reclist you keep postponing. Maybe resolve to be better at leaving feedback, or answering comments.

Well, I am half a story short of a bingo for
hc_bingo, and though it's too late for the challenge, amnesty is open till June - so I'd like to get the other half of the fic done. (It's for the "tentacles" square, and I also happened to have a prompt for S&S that "Silver & Sapphire & Steel: woke up in bed together & tentacles".) I know how it goes, I just can't quite get round to finishing it, which is silly. So, that. There's a goal.

Also, I really am going to finish the
isurrendered things. (The episode guide of evil is nearly finished and will look entirely unimpressive and much like any other innocent episode guide for a fake TV show, but it is evil and fought back, I tell you.)

Day 9: In your own space, rec at least 3 fanworks you thought you wouldn't like (because they weren't your fandom or they pushed against your boundaries or you thought you just wouldn't be interested) but you ended up loving.

I wasn't sure I could do this for a while, and then thought about it. I don't tend to go round looking for things I think I won't like, but there are times when I get bored/desperate in a small fandom, or risk something higher rated than my usual (wimpish) standards, or follow a rec that promises that a scary sounding fic might not be so scary after all. (Some of these attempts end in reaching for the brain bleach, only to find that JJPOR has swigged the last few drops (because he always has, the rotter ;-D) and the rest in cries of "But Sapphire's eyes aren't blue, author!" /o\ In which case, I at least don't need the brain bleach, just the restraint not to write obsessive reviews about people's correct eye colours.) Anyway, here are some of these occasions that went remarkably well, because authors are talented and things aren't necessarily as scary as they seem.

Entitled by Nope.
(Teen, 7200 words. Sapphire, Steel, Silver.) Sapphire and Steel are assigned to a Time breakout in a library.

(As far as I could see, this was too long to read (I still only have small small amounts of concentration, shh), it was explicit Sapphire/Steel (it wasn't, I don't know why I thought that, but I'm very wary of human-style Sapphire/Steel and possible related Silver-hate), and it was in second person. It is in fact both Sapphire/Steel and Sapphire/Silver/Steel and one of the cleverest Sapphire & Steel fics I've come across and I adored it, once I finally dared to print it off and try reading it.)

The rest had Scary Higher Ratings, but proved to be awesome and non-brain-bleach requiring. For me, at any rate. I can't promise for everyone. :-)

Unfinished Business (1838 words) by tree_and_leaf
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart/Liz Shaw
Characters: Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Liz Shaw
Additional Tags: Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension
Summary: Liz has unfinished business with the Brigadier. She thought she’d accepted it would have to stay that way…

Acted Over (3142 words) by pauraque
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Julius Caesar - Shakespeare, Classical Greece and Rome History & Literature RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Marcus Brutus/Caius Cassius
Characters: Caius Cassius, Marcus Brutus, Portia, Junia, Pindarus
Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Suicide, Temporary Character Death, Time Loop, Anachronisms, Dreams, Surrealism, Bondage, Knifeplay, Yuletide Treat, Wordcount: 1.000-5.000
Summary: For Brutus, there is always time - time to consider, time to speak, time to make his point in twenty ponderously balanced lines. For Cassius, there is barely time to breathe.

(Look at the scary tags! And yet, as it turned out, so very, very clever about the nature of plays and time and...)

This Penguin For Hire by Levendis.
(Teen, 3985 words. Frobisher, The Sixth Doctor, Ainley Master.) When it comes to political espionage, Frobisher is really not your man. (It was disguised as Doctor/Master Mpreg. It was in fact, as Calufrax explained, mainly an awesome Frobisher fic and needed to be read.)

Anyway, yes, I'm wimpish and easily scared when reading ship fic. It's a thing. (Sometimes I am brave, though. Just sometimes.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

silver/sapphire/steel, frobisher, brig/liz, doctor who, recs, snowflake challenge, fannish scribbles, sapphire and steel, julius caesar

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