Fic: Breaking the Bounds (DW)

Oct 14, 2013 20:44

Title: Breaking the Bounds
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 2350
Characters/Pairings: First Doctor/TARDIS, Susan Foreman
Notes/Warnings: Pre-series. None.
Summary: The TARDIS is nothing more than the Doctor’s means of escape - or so he tells himself. Any other thoughts concerning a mere machine would be quite nonsensical, wouldn’t they ( Read more... )

doctor/tardis, tardis, doctor who, hc_bingo, fannish scribbles, first doctor, susan foreman, who at 50, dw_50ficathon

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Comments 22

paranoidangel42 October 14 2013, 21:22:12 UTC
I like this, especially the Doctor trying not to think of the TARDIS as any more than a machine. I can see in this how he ends up changing to end up calling the TARDIS she and stroking bits of it.


lost_spook October 16 2013, 17:01:40 UTC
Thank you! :-)


kaffy_r October 14 2013, 22:36:35 UTC
Oh, I do like this! You have his voice down, without indulging too much in the verbal tics we all associate with One; his affection for both his granddaughter and the TARDIS is real (and believably fresh, in the case of the TARDIS, as you have him voyage from "it" to "her". The planet, too, is lovely. I wonder if they ever revisited it?

Thanks for writing this!


lost_spook October 16 2013, 17:05:46 UTC
Aw, thank you very much! :-)

Somehow, knowing how erratic the Doctor and the TARDIS are, probably not.


locker_monster October 15 2013, 00:34:05 UTC
That was wonderful! So neat to see the Doctor at the beginning of his lengthy time travelling career. He loves this ship, even while he denies it. :-)

Also, are you suggesting that Gallifreyan Clara was friends with Susan? Because that would be such a cool idea.


lost_spook October 16 2013, 17:06:51 UTC
Thank you! :-)

And, yes, it was a sneaky ref to Clara, for those who spotted it. I think I may have seen someone prompt somewhere about Clara and Susan being friends and it stuck in my mind. It would be good, wouldn't it?


eve11 October 15 2013, 01:46:51 UTC
Oh, this is so lovely. I know we were talking about something like this for trope bingo but can't remember the exact conversation... but if my input helped to contribute to this wonderful story of beginnings, well it makes me even more pleased about it. :D I love the blushing flowers! And the Doctor, freeing his ship. And the stealth Clara reference too, wasn't there? ;) And your TARDIS voice is lovely.


lost_spook October 16 2013, 17:08:27 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. And, yes, stealth Clara. :-)

Yes, that post and thread got very long because of all the Hurt/comfort discussion and the apocalypse stuff, but I thought you were the one saying about the TARDIS being the one who was hurt... actually, I have no idea either, but whatever you said, it helped!!! ;-)


astrogirl2 October 15 2013, 02:45:36 UTC
Awww, this is just absolutely lovely. The start of a beautiful friendship, indeed! *hugs them*


lost_spook October 16 2013, 17:09:00 UTC
Thank you! ♥


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