Fic: Conversations From Whitbury Leisure Centre

May 28, 2009 21:45

For jjpor, who asked for Rimmer meeting Brittas in the meme. Unfortunately, I could not get out of my head the other conversations that must have taken place around that time, so Kryten also meets Colin, Laura has a chat with Lister and Cat has an encounter with Carole and Linda.

Rimmer, Brittas, Kryten, Colin, Laura, Lister, Cat, Carole and Linda. (And Julie). )

brittas empire, british comedy, kryten, fannish scribbles, red dwarf, arnold rimmer, chris barrie, dave lister, cat (red dwarf), meme

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Comments 6

jjpor May 28 2009, 22:02:39 UTC
Heheh, those were great! XD I loved Rimmer and Brittas together, and Laura's proposal to Lister, while a little harsh, was certainly innovative. Kryten and Colin seemed made for each other, and the Cat's reaction to Carole's baby-storage system amused me no end. Nice work, and quickly-produced as well.


lost_spook May 30 2009, 09:23:39 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I feel convinced that's what Laura would do though. Especially if it was earlier in the series rather than later. (Hmm. *looks at last comment* does that translate as 'not bad for some hastily written rubbish'? :lol:)

Anyway, I had fun. My sister recently got Sky+ and recorded some of the Brittas Empire to watch when I went to visit and I hadn't remembered it being as funny as it was, so it was nice to have a play with the characters.


jjpor May 30 2009, 21:28:24 UTC
Oh no, not at all; it was great to see it up so soon, though, after I requested it. I saw that episode where he accidentally saws the fella's head off not long ago (you know, with the chainsaw superglued to his hands!), and it amused me far more than it probably should have. Chris Barrie is a great comedy actor, in my opinion, very versatile as well (I mean, he started out as an impressionist, doing voices on things like Spitting Image, so that's where he gets that); I just wish he'd been in more things lately than presenting documentaries about engines and stuff on the Discovery Channel etc. I hadn't noticed the Crichton/Kryten thing highlighted below, either; I must still have UNIT: Transition on the brain! XD


lost_spook May 31 2009, 07:35:36 UTC
Eek! My sister had randomly, some from S4 &5, I think and then the first three or so episodes (inlcuding the one where we're told that Brittas also caused suicides at the Samaritans - poor Chris Barrie!! I don't think anyone else is responsible in two separate programmes for the suicide of a wrong number...) However, that chainsaw one gave me nightmares many moons ago!!! You can see Laura's point of view. Leisures centres are not supposed to have a high body count.

As for Crichton/Kryten, I was keeping a careful watch on myself, but then I also threw in the word 'admirable' and that finished me off... You won't spot it now - it's gone! :-D

And, yes, it would be great to see Chris Barrie back in something. I suppose playing two of the most unlikeable men in Britain will do that to you, though.


pedanther May 29 2009, 03:51:09 UTC
lost_spook May 29 2009, 05:31:41 UTC
I knew I'd do that if I didn't watch out. *bangs head* It was late... I've fixed it now!!!


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