Fic: Lesser Known Phobias About Physics (B7)

Mar 29, 2013 17:47

Title: Lesser Known Phobias about Physics
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 863
Characters/Pairings: Vila Restal, Dayna Mellanby, Kerr Avon, Soolin.
Notes/Warnings: S4, post-Orbit. Dodgy physics.
Summary: Vila’s got a new phobia, and it’s all about gravity, or maybe it isn’t.

For astrogirl2 and
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vila restal, dayna mellanby, 500 prompts, kerr avon, fannish scribbles, soolin, blake's 7, ficlet

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Comments 7

astrogirl2 March 29 2013, 20:41:38 UTC
Aww, Vila. :)


lost_spook March 29 2013, 20:57:08 UTC

I felt, having both of you give me the prompt, that I should do something special with it... but I always ended up back up at this slight bit of conversation in my head!


astrogirl2 March 29 2013, 21:30:04 UTC
Well, Vila lends himself so well to that, though! :)


lost_spook March 29 2013, 21:32:06 UTC
I was going to say "he refuses to be pinned down"... and then thought about what the fic was about... :lol:


paranoidangel42 March 30 2013, 17:40:09 UTC


lost_spook March 30 2013, 19:36:20 UTC
Thank you! :-)


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