Not quite the WIP Meme

Mar 11, 2013 17:17

You never know what you'll find when you start opening old files. I didn't find unfinished fic in the first one I tried - I found something better worse... I apparently saved some more of those randomly generated ship fics from ages ago. And added in some Liz/Silver. I had to share. None of them reach the heights of randomly generated Avon/Read more... )

vila restal, leela, doctor who, random generators, blake's 7, sapphire and steel, fannish nonsense, silver/liz shaw

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Comments 13

persiflage_1 March 11 2013, 17:31:55 UTC
Oh my god! These read like they were written by someone who was high on drugs!


lost_spook March 11 2013, 17:37:26 UTC
Yes, pretty much. It's certainly quite startling when you randomly find them in an abandoned file on your pc. :-D


persiflage_1 March 11 2013, 17:49:37 UTC
I just tried it out with Bond/M - and it was UNCANNY how well it characterised both characters - but the plot was very like some weird stuff I've started to read, then abandoned...


lost_spook March 11 2013, 20:17:35 UTC
Ha. :-D

but the plot was very like some weird stuff I've started to read, then abandoned...

Absolutely! :lol: Am hlaf-temped to add one of these to (Don't worry, I won't!)


lolmac March 13 2013, 02:19:08 UTC
I am shocked, SHOCKED that Liz would tickle Silver with her clock!! Outside of wedlock, you should never go farther than nudging with a watch. The SHAMELESSNESS!!


lost_spook March 13 2013, 09:19:12 UTC

I have no doubt that he teased her with his pocket watch first, though.


elemental, my dear Lost Spook lolmac March 13 2013, 12:09:51 UTC
Those hussies!!


Re: elemental, my dear Lost Spook lost_spook March 13 2013, 19:59:03 UTC
At least we finally know what it is that Elements do... ;-)


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