And this is why you should never spend all your time watching old TV...

Jan 30, 2013 09:22

I'm sure other Classic DW fans will be sorry to hear that Bernard Horsfall has died (1930-2013). (Gulliver, Taron in Planet of the Daleks, Goth and another Time Lord, or Goth unnamed, who knows?)


And I'm sad, because, as I said a couple of posts ago, I can't get Enemy at the Door (1978-1980) out of my head and he played the main character ( Read more... )

bernard horsfall, doctor who, enemy at the door

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Comments 22

llywela13 January 30 2013, 10:05:45 UTC
Sad news. This really is the trouble with watching older shows. :(


lost_spook January 30 2013, 12:44:30 UTC
I know! But, on the plus side, we do get to see all these wonderful people that we wouldn't otherwise. But, yeah. I don't know what it was, but there was always something very reassuring about Bernard Horsfall whenever he turned up and whoever he was playing.


llywela13 January 30 2013, 13:02:02 UTC
And such a lovely voice. *sigh*


taiyou_to_tsuki January 30 2013, 14:09:16 UTC
Gulliver! :c The Mind Robber was one of my earliest Who serials and his performance was delightful and memorable, so this is sad to hear (though I never recognised him in later serials, which is ridiculous, as he has quite a distinct voice).


lost_spook January 30 2013, 16:42:47 UTC
Yes! I think a lot of people are saying the same thing. Gulliver was the first place I know I saw him, too - a relatively small role but he made it work and made him likeable. And he was pretty much always like that in things. So, yeah.


persiflage_1 January 30 2013, 14:23:05 UTC

That old TARDIS in the sky's getting too many new people lately.


lost_spook January 30 2013, 16:43:35 UTC
Lucky it's presumably larger inside than out, then. :-/ But, yeah. He's one of those reliable guest actors - hard not to like him just from that, really.


persiflage_1 January 30 2013, 18:27:01 UTC


singeaddams January 30 2013, 15:45:47 UTC
Gulliver! I loved him. What a shame.


lost_spook January 30 2013, 16:44:48 UTC
I know! Gulliver was the first time I saw him, either. (Or at least, that I remember him from). :-/ The perils of a 50 yr old fandom, I suppose, but even so, it's always sad to hear the news - and far sadder still for his family and friends, of course.


liadtbunny January 30 2013, 15:56:46 UTC
Oh no :( He was always a welcome presence in Who & other things.


lost_spook January 30 2013, 16:46:07 UTC
He was. When you offered me Enemy at the Door, I wasn't sure (for the same reasons as you - depressing WWII drama?) but one of the things that made me take you up on it was definitely the promise of him in the lead. Three was no way he wouldn't be good in it.

Ah, well. But, yeah. It's still always sad to hear the news.


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