And this is why you should never spend all your time watching old TV...

Jan 30, 2013 09:22

I'm sure other Classic DW fans will be sorry to hear that Bernard Horsfall has died (1930-2013). (Gulliver, Taron in Planet of the Daleks, Goth and another Time Lord, or Goth unnamed, who knows?)


And I'm sad, because, as I said a couple of posts ago, I can't get Enemy at the Door (1978-1980) out of my head and he played the main character among the Islanders, Dr Philip Martel. He was every bit as good and reliable and real as he always seemed in his guest Doctor Who roles and it was great to see him in a major part. And he really was exceptional in the storyline that bridged S1 and S2. (I can't explain properly without spoiling that bit. And Enemy at the Door really is worth watching, and worth watching relatively unspoiled, so I won't do that.) But he was great. It was hard to come back down to episode-of-the-week after watching the way he and Alfred Burke (and others, but particularly those two) played that out between them.

*salutes sadly*

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

bernard horsfall, doctor who, enemy at the door

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