500 Prompts Meme (yes, really)

Jan 28, 2013 16:48

Okay, so I may have said I had a keep-writing-ficlets plan. Here it is, flist, and it won't work without you... Believe it or not, btw, this is actually a thing I found out in the wild as a meme:

STEP ONE: Match a pairing/two or more characters/crossover characters to a prompt ( Read more... )

masterlist, meme, 500 prompts

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Comments 175

redjaywrites January 31 2013, 12:35:23 UTC
Oh goodness, WOW! Good on you! Uh....

91. Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Oswin (Doctor Who)
342. Eight, Nine (Doctor Who)
221. Leela (Doctor Who)
2. Rassilon, Omega (Doctor Who)
355. Eleven, Master (Doctor Who)

How are these?


lost_spook January 31 2013, 12:58:24 UTC
Thanks! And, :lol:, I make absolutely no promises about how many I actually write - or how long it takes me. But some fic will definitely happen and long lists work really well for me. :-)

Very cool, that's how yr prompts are. ;-) I forgot, though, ravenskyewalker claimed 342 for B7, and I hadn't put it in yet, because I was waiting for to reply about which character. I've amended that - and so... do you want to find another prompt for Eight & Nine (or somebody else) instead? (Sorry...)


redjaywrites January 31 2013, 13:11:55 UTC
How about 305?


lost_spook January 31 2013, 13:16:52 UTC
Ooh, yes, interesting. Thanks. :-)


eve11 January 31 2013, 13:01:20 UTC
A few Doctor Who bunnies & a crossover

309. Finding infinity. (DW) Two and Zoe
203. Entrapment. (DW) Ten and Donna
88. Missing planet. (DW/SS) Nine and Silver
399. Miraculous discovery. (DW) Eleven/River


lost_spook January 31 2013, 13:14:25 UTC
Thank you! I like, I like. ♥


llywela13 January 31 2013, 13:53:19 UTC
Fourth Doctor & Harry Sullivan (& Sarah, if she wants to be there too) - either 25 or 228 (or, y'know, both...)



lost_spook January 31 2013, 17:34:52 UTC
I gave you both, and Sarah. Thanks! :-)


livii January 31 2013, 14:52:41 UTC
44- Five/Tegan
236 - the TARDIS
240 - Rose Tyler
306 - Harry Sullivan
423 - Ian/Barbara

:) hope that suits!


livii January 31 2013, 15:04:30 UTC
I just looked properly at your tags and now I have more prompts (and fic to read later!)

25 - Hex Schofield
212 - Miss Marple
428 - Alex and Gene (Ashes to Ashes)


lost_spook January 31 2013, 17:36:23 UTC
Heh, thank you! I can't promise about the fic, mind, or how much later but, yes, in theory. :-)

Just one thing - llywela just pipped you to the post with #25, so if you want to choose another for Hex or something different...?


livii January 31 2013, 17:46:39 UTC
Okay, 111 for Hex!

And what I meant was I saw Hex fic in your tags that I don't think I've ever read! So.I am super excited to read it when I have a chance!


astrogirl2 January 31 2013, 16:12:20 UTC
OK, I'll leave some more!

53. Arnold Rimmer (Red Dwarf)
100. Leela (DW)
115. Cally (B7)
139. Zen (B7)
222. Clyde Langer (SJA)
255. Daleks (DW)
293. Seven & Ace (DW)
321. Orac (B7)
392. Emma Swan (OUaT)


lost_spook January 31 2013, 17:37:03 UTC
Thank you! (And... now I'm writing Daleks? :lol:)


astrogirl2 January 31 2013, 18:34:00 UTC
Daleks are fun! Of course, you can include whoever else you like... :)


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