500 Prompts Meme (yes, really)

Jan 28, 2013 16:48

Okay, so I may have said I had a keep-writing-ficlets plan. Here it is, flist, and it won't work without you... Believe it or not, btw, this is actually a thing I found out in the wild as a meme:

STEP ONE: Match a pairing/two or more characters/crossover characters to a prompt ( Read more... )

masterlist, meme, 500 prompts

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Comments 175

persiflage_1 January 28 2013, 17:13:38 UTC
Silver & Liz Shaw: 482
Martha Jones: 465
Kenny (Press Gang): 280
Sarah Jane Smith: 235
Eleventh Doctor: 200
Jo & Zaf (Spooks): 150
Harry & Ruth (Spooks): 138
Samwise Gamgee: 109
Special Branch: 83
Blake's 7: 27


lost_spook January 28 2013, 17:20:00 UTC
♥ Thank you! I'll edit them in presently. (Tea first, I think!)

One thing - do you have a character/pairing for the B7 prompt? (I always find specific is best.)

But: ♥ ♥ ♥


persiflage_1 January 28 2013, 17:22:48 UTC
Nope - if I'd had a specific B7 character in mind, I'd have said, as I did with most of the other prompts. So pick whichever character seizes your imagination by the throat.


singeaddams January 28 2013, 18:12:45 UTC
Wow, so many tragic prompts. The entire list reads like a depressive's freeform poem. But if you can give me 130. In a most odd way. starring Four/Sarah Jane then I'd be happy!


lost_spook January 28 2013, 21:16:03 UTC
:lol: I can see that, but I don't think they're that - they just sort of come in clumps of similar prompts and it's impossible to look at them all, there's so many. Or at least, that's my defence, because I just thought they were really pretty. ;-)

And, thanks!


swordznsorcery January 28 2013, 19:45:40 UTC
Hmm. As singeaddams says, they're a bit depressing! #211 "An eye for an eye..." suggests Toby from The West Wing perhaps, in one of his flashes of fury. And #498 "Like I need permission to speak" could be Leo, the only one who can approach the President in one of his moods.


lost_spook January 28 2013, 21:17:33 UTC
Heh, I suppose some of them are - but I don't think it's all of them by any means. And it depends what gets written. I just thought they were very pretty, really. :lol:

Ah, well, get your revenge by giving me WW characters, yes. Thank you. I do like your thinking there, though. :-)


akashasheiress January 28 2013, 20:47:45 UTC
Four/Romana I - 14
Eight/Romana II - 448
Ben/Polly - 417

Erm, hope those are OK. There's so much to chose from!


lost_spook January 28 2013, 21:19:17 UTC
Those are fine! Thank you. ♥

And, you know, if, just possibly, somebody really wanted to prompt for Shadow of the Tower or something, that would be okay. I wouldn't mind all that much. :lol: (That was my subtle hint, but you can ignore me!)


akashasheiress January 28 2013, 21:34:01 UTC
You know, I totally forgot! In that case, I'll take Henry/Elizabeth for IX,* please. :D

That's 9, in case you don't know. I felt they should get a fancy Roman numeral.


lost_spook January 29 2013, 13:15:38 UTC
:-) ♥


astrogirl2 January 28 2013, 22:02:02 UTC
Ooh, this is really cool. And a fascinating list of prompts. I may use this, myself, to get a nice pool of interesting ideas to dip into whenever I'm bored and feel like writing.

How about:

The Master (Doctor Who) - 1
Rumplestiltskin (OUaT) - 4
Sapphire & Steel - 220

And I barely had time to skim the list just now, so I might very well come back with more later. :)


lost_spook January 29 2013, 13:17:55 UTC
Yes, I thought it was a lovely list when I saw it. I snagged it about... six months ago and have been substituting prompts and waiting for the right moment ever since. :-)

Thank you! (Although, of course, with 4, you realise I can't possibly write anything until I have seen these wonderful S2 episodes, so you'll just have to wait a year. That's okay, right? ;-p)

And, 220... yes. I am sure Sapphire and Steel would know any number of fates worse than death.

And I barely had time to skim the list just now, so I might very well come back with more later.

Oh, please do, if you feel like it. :-)


astrogirl2 January 29 2013, 15:39:05 UTC
It is a lovely list. On the whole, those prompts seem like the kind that suggest lots of possibilities without being restrictively specific. A lot of them do seem geared towards the angsty end of the fic spectrum, but that's just fine by me.

(It did occur to me, somewhat belatedly, that you might not so much want to share, but that's silly, right? I mean, it's a meme, and there are 500 freaking prompts. It's not like we'd end up writing the same things. :) So I think maybe I will use it!)

And, hey, if you can vid, you can fic, right? ;) But I am prepared to wait, if necessary...


lost_spook January 29 2013, 17:22:10 UTC
iOn the whole, those prompts seem like the kind that suggest lots of possibilities without being restrictively specific. A lot of them do seem geared towards the angsty end of the fic spectrum, but that's just fine by me.

Yes, and a prompt can change a lot, depending on what character gets it. (I mean, Assassin for hire is one thing. When you get given Jo Grant, Assassin for Hire, it becomes a whole other thing of possible awesome/crack/sinister AU.)

And, ha, no, it's a meme! I nicked it from, I think, doreyg and hearts_blood from when I was reading friends of friends when I was bored. And somebody originally seems to have swiped the whole list from a comm, which is a bit of cheek... I don't think I can object. I switched some around I didn't like - mainly ones that would be difficult not to have to be explicit with, which really isn't my thing. Basically, I'm a thieving thief who steals, and maybe there's a reason I like Vila and Silver too much.

Whether or not I can vid, either, is a bit of thing. It isn't exactly going anywhere fast... :


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