Fandom Snowflake Day 13

Jan 14, 2013 17:23

Skipping ahead a day or so again, because I'm tired and I wanted to do this today:

In your own space, ask for recs. Something as simple as "I like XYZ (where XYZ is a kink, a pairing, a trope, etc) - please rec me some." Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.Well, here are a ( Read more... )

help!, recs, once upon a time, snowflake challenge, lord of the rings

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Comments 9

persiflage_1 January 14 2013, 18:42:02 UTC
Sorry, can't help. Although I'm surprised AO3 is not more forthcoming with LotR fic...

As for OUaT, I haven't seen it and have yet to have anyone persuade me to watch it (that's NOT an invitation, mind!). I know at least 4 people on my FList who're huge fans, and I just keep going "Whatever", and scrolling past the LJ and Tumblr entries.

However, since I'm here, have some more *hugs* so you don't go away entirely empty-handed!


lost_spook January 14 2013, 19:46:07 UTC
AO3 has too much LOTR fic, that's the problem. And I know it's a fandom that has its own archives that I don't know well, so fingers crossed - there are some LOTR fans on my flist, if they're around.

Thanks for the hugs! And, as for OUaT, I couldn't quite leave it alone - playing around with fairy tales is just too much one of my pet things. But don't worry, I have no intentions of trying to oppress anyone. ;-)

And, anyway, had I been a person of taste and asked for Bond recs, you'd have been right there for me...


persiflage_1 January 14 2013, 19:49:47 UTC
Ah... Too much data - does not compute...


Thanks. I guess it's my fault for having little interest in fairytales - they somehow passed me by entirely during my formative years...

LOL You're a person of taste anyway, even if you're not into Bond. (Though I will note that I posted another gen fic last night! *shock, horror*)


dbskyler January 15 2013, 00:53:06 UTC
The simplest way to get S2-spoiler-free fan works for Once Upon a Time is to look at the dates -- go for things that were posted before Sept. 2012, and you will be fine. : ) I've done that kind of thing with Merlin and been successful, although you do have to quickly go for the date without checking out anything else that might contain a spoiler, including the summary or sometimes, unfortunately, the title. It's easiest in LJ communities where you can use the archive function to just go directly to older entries.

In the meantime, I found you an S1 Snow White / Prince Charming fanvid that I liked, so hopefully you will like it too:


lost_spook January 15 2013, 09:21:33 UTC
Yes, true. I was rather hoping for some specific recs, though, because I'm terrible at spotting things like that really quickly and at working out what they mean, even when I'm trying not to - it's very annoying! Also, with Once Upon A Time, names of characters who are going to appear give away quite a lot just in themselves. And I already know some... and I don't even know how because I haven't gone looking yet.

But thank you! That was great - and if you look on Dreamwidth side, settiai recced me a couple of amazing whole show vids, too, if you haven't already seen them. :-)


dbskyler January 15 2013, 18:38:23 UTC
I've been watching Once Upon a Time, but I haven't felt inclined to go seek out fanworks for it. So, I don't have recs for you. But having seen it, I will say that I don't think the names of new characters give away very much for S2 (at least, not so far).


lost_spook January 15 2013, 19:39:10 UTC
Thanks! And don't worry, I didn't imagine you were with-holding fic from me. (Sadly. :lol:)


liadtbunny January 15 2013, 15:43:20 UTC
skye_white does short OUAT stories, they're pretty much all Belle/Rumpel with a touch of Jefferson. The ones I've read haven't been explicit but I haven't read them all. for before series 2.
I like By Any Other Name but then I am naff.


lost_spook January 15 2013, 16:37:31 UTC
Thank you! I shall check them out. :-)


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