Fandom Snowflake Day 13

Jan 14, 2013 17:23

Skipping ahead a day or so again, because I'm tired and I wanted to do this today:

In your own space, ask for recs. Something as simple as "I like XYZ (where XYZ is a kink, a pairing, a trope, etc) - please rec me some." Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Well, here are a couple of specific things that I'll never find on my own, so let's see if someone can help!

1. I'm relistening to the BBC's Radio LOTR and I'm sure at the end I'll be wanting what I did last time - which is I'd love to read some Legolas and Gimli friendship fic.

Which there must be somewhere, mustn't there? But there's so much LOTR stuff and much of it in unfamiliar archives that I just run away. (Well, after pausing to giggle at summaries involving Legolas, because the writers were picturing Orlando, but I'm thinking of David Collings and such things amuse me.)

Shorter is best for me, if possible, but if it's long (and I somehow suspect length is a thing in Tolkien fandom), I can bookmark it for later (or print it off even) and I don't mind when it's set, although bonus points if anyone knows fic that is post-Return and also involves Merry and/or Pippin as well. (I love it when those four are together, and the Radio version, same as the film, cuts out some of their sections when needing to lose something.)

Anyway, any Legolas and Gimli fic you know would be lovely.

2. Once Upon a Time! I finished S1 and I very much enjoyed it and it's definitely the sort of thing I can see myself being fannish about as well as liking. But S2 is well under way and I want to avoid spoilers, so I can't go look for things myself!

a) good series 1 vids. ♥

b) any good shorter (non-explicit) fic. Really! I am here, liking it all, and not even having a clue about ships and things I would like - I'd just like a reasonable taster of what's out there, if that's possible. If I like a thing, I tend to like it all, and good fic is good fic, anyway, so...

Er. That does seem a bit specific and fussy, doesn't it? Anyway, I'd love recs for either of those things. Self-recs are fine. I know well by now how talented my flist are. ;-)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

help!, recs, once upon a time, snowflake challenge, lord of the rings

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