
Feb 22, 2012 19:43

Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions ( Read more... )

doctor who, sapphire and steel, dungeons and dragons cartoon, meme

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Comments 23

pitry February 22 2012, 19:54:04 UTC
Your DW story is ADORABLE.

Also, I would never haveguessed you're a S&S fan. EVER.

(And I wanna play!)


lost_spook February 22 2012, 20:53:05 UTC

Yes, thank goodness I didn't let my ridiculous flailing over the show and Sapphire, Silver and Steel show anywhere.

Okay - Doctor Who, Deep Space 9 & 21 Jump Street.


paranoidangel42 February 22 2012, 20:53:53 UTC
I'll play.


lost_spook February 22 2012, 21:13:04 UTC
Spooks, Blake's 7, Chalet School. :-)


john_amend_all February 22 2012, 23:31:55 UTC
I'll play.


lost_spook February 23 2012, 08:43:29 UTC
Okay - Doctor Who, Miss Marple & The Two Ronnies.


librarylover82 February 23 2012, 01:30:24 UTC
I haven't done a meme in awhile, so I'll play.


lost_spook February 23 2012, 08:44:22 UTC
No, you haven't - hello! :-)

Doctor Who, ST: Voyager, and The West Wing.


scifi_mel February 23 2012, 10:56:42 UTC
Yay for Saphire and Steel and Doctor Who!!! :)

I had no idea such thing as fandom for the D&D cartoon existed! I remember watching it as a kid but that's about it.

As I commented I should probably play too! :)


lost_spook February 23 2012, 16:44:26 UTC

And, yes, D&D has quite a dedicated little fandom. There's dandtoon, even if it's gone very quiet of late, and there's usually new fic for yuletide and things.

Okay - Doctor Who, Blake's 7 and Babylon 5!


scifi_mel February 23 2012, 17:44:44 UTC
Oh no! The community didn't show up! :( It makes me happy knowing it exists.

Excellent three!


lost_spook February 23 2012, 17:59:44 UTC
Let me try again, sorry - danddtoon


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