Stolen from Clocketpatch...

Mar 24, 2011 08:40

... so a sort of meme?

I've seen people messing with the drabble-matic thing (except it doesn't actually do drabbles - minus points for misuse of the term!). It asked for so much info, I didn't bother, but then thought if I put Five and Tegan in and just used words that went with them (beige, purple, cricket ball etc). It, um, well... It makes ( Read more... )

roj blake, jenna stannis, dayna mellanby, random generators, fifth doctor, tegan jovanka, del tarrant, blake/jenna, five/tegan, blake's 7, meme

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Comments 22

clocketpatch March 24 2011, 10:24:03 UTC
Addictive, innit?


lost_spook March 24 2011, 11:47:25 UTC

(I may just have put Avon and Servalan in. Sadly that will not mean anything to you, but I think I have tired myself out laughing at the results. Oh dear, oh dear...)


ravenskyewalker March 24 2011, 13:44:17 UTC
I think I need to read that!


lost_spook March 24 2011, 14:25:42 UTC
Your wish is my command. (Avon and Servalan def. made me laugh the most out of them all, although it was quite a close run thing...)


curuchamion March 24 2011, 12:42:01 UTC
*wipes eyes* I think your snarky small-print comments were the best part, but OH. MY. GOSH.

*is absolutely not going to try it, not at work at any rate!*


lost_spook March 24 2011, 16:43:22 UTC
Heh, thanks! :-) I laughed a lot this morning at the results.

No, best not. Even if you try very hard to avoid putting in anything dodgy, some of the results are certainly higher rated than anything I've ever managed...


ghost2 March 24 2011, 14:14:30 UTC
I tried one too, with Nyssa and Turlough. In it, Turlough lost his toe in a shipwreck but Nyssa still loved him.

I hear you about drabbles. I saw a 6800-word "drabble" the other day and wondered what the author was thinking to give it that label.


lost_spook March 24 2011, 16:46:46 UTC
Well, Nyssa would. She is nice like that, and would not mind if Turlough had to hop about. The potential for epic Turlough/Nyssa is not explored enough in fanfic. :-D

With that, I can't help wondering if the person is just dim like me and managed to click on the wrong thing on the screen? Or am I too kind? Heh. But I know - it is a specific writing format. You do not idly claim things are sonnets, limericks or haikus without obeying the rules. A drabble is 100 words, a demi-drabble 50 and a double-drabble 200, and getting the story in the limited word count is the whole point. I suppose we need to wait until they teach that in English lit, but drabbles are a bit unofficial as yet...


ghost2 March 24 2011, 19:47:01 UTC
Nyssa/Turlough is full of potential!

I thought maybe the "drabble" person made a mistake. Then I looked at her account and saw a slew of "drabbles" that were hundreds or even thousands of words long. So... not sure what she thinks a drabble is. One author once said she used the term to mean a fluffy, basically pointless story of any length. *headdesk*


curuchamion March 24 2011, 20:15:54 UTC
Where does the word come from, anyway? I've always wondered. It's certainly not intuitive.


john_amend_all March 24 2011, 21:27:53 UTC
I had a quick go, with the first two people my random pairing generator spat out - who happened to be Nine and Amy.

It didn't produce anything memorable, at least to my way of thinking, but I learned that it's not a good idea to use 'dismantle' for the verb. Body parts everywhere...


lost_spook March 27 2011, 08:04:28 UTC
It didn't produce anything memorable, at least to my way of thinking, but I learned that it's not a good idea to use 'dismantle' for the verb. Body parts everywhere...

And that's not memorable? *backs away slowly*


john_amend_all March 27 2011, 11:59:35 UTC
I suppose that bit could have been memorable, had I not already downed a slug of brain bleach :-)


sallymn March 24 2011, 22:07:14 UTC
Just what I needed today, a giggleworthy timewaster!!!

And that Blake/Jenna one was... oh yeah :)


lost_spook March 27 2011, 08:04:57 UTC
Glad to be of service! :-)

And, um, yes, the Blake/Jenna one was... erm... :lol:


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