Welcome post

Aug 30, 2014 20:54

Hail, fellow travellers, and well met. My LJ is mostly for fic, recs, icons, vids and fannish nonsense - fic/vids/icons etc. remain open, but the rest has got largely flocked these days (people were scraping entries via tags, unfortunately). I'm terribly obscure and multi-fannish, but generally happy to make new friends. As of 4th Jun 2018, I ( Read more... )

maid marian and her merry men, masterlist, doctor who, brittas empire, recs, 500 prompts, 100 element prompts, fannish scribbles, fanvids, press gang, sapphire and steel, downton abbey, chalet school, blake's 7

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Comments 34

p_m_cryan April 19 2015, 15:00:02 UTC
I just stopped by to leave you a big "THANK YOU" note. I read very little fanfiction, and I bookmark even less of it to re-read.

You have joined vilakins and katherine_b as one of my permanent bookmarks to read on my lunch hour.

I've been going through a more-rough-than-usual patch, and your fiction is helping me keep some mental and emotional equilibrium.

Thank you.


lost_spook April 19 2015, 18:56:49 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm very sorry to hear that life is handing you a rough deal at the moment, but very touched that you find any of my fic helpful. ♥

I do hope things improve soon!


Permission to reprint ext_843793 December 28 2015, 17:52:13 UTC
Hi there,
I just took over the editing of a small Doctor Who fan club newsletter in Florida and there has long been a desire for fan fiction. I was wondering, even though it is such a short piece, if you would be willing to let us reprint your story "Friendly Warning" in an upcoming issue? You can contact me directly at Ceronomus AT gmail.com if you are interested.


cilukba May 10 2016, 02:17:46 UTC


dancingdragon3 July 13 2016, 08:46:29 UTC
Hi. I've been seeing you around, we're in similar circles, with some friends in common, so I thought friending you was in order :-)


lost_spook July 13 2016, 16:21:55 UTC
HI back! Thank you, and I've friended you too now. :-)


desecrets July 13 2016, 21:49:40 UTC
Hey! Hope you don't mind me friending you - you have great taste in slightly obscure fandoms.


lost_spook July 14 2016, 09:00:24 UTC
Aw, thank you! That would be very nice. I shall go off to friend you now.

Also, 'slightly obscure'! I try harder than that; I think I've definitely achieved highly obscure fandoms by now. ;-p But seriously, which ones did you mean in particular, just out of interest?


desecrets July 14 2016, 13:00:59 UTC
Friended :)

Lmao. Quite so. But, in answer - there's Classic Who for one thing (Three! Delgado!). And I was basically bottlefed British mysteries all through childhood, which resulted in an unwieldy Holmes obsession, so there's that. Also Jonathan Strange = amazing. More peripherally, how often do you hear of Wodehouse, Red Dwarf or Allo Allo these days, haha. So if either of those crosses my flist even once in a blue moon that can only be an improvement. :)


lost_spook July 14 2016, 20:08:11 UTC

And, aw, yes, Classic Who is always going to get you in the door. Three is not my favourite, but my love of Delgado more than makes up for that. (Not that I don't like Three, but when I was a bb DW fan, all the fellow fans I found were Pertwee fans and I was alone in my Seven-loving. It was hard. They ate you alive in the 90s for liking Sylvester McCoy or Colin Baker. Heh.) And, yay, yes, JS&MN, mysteries, Wodehouse, Red Dwarf and Allo Allo are all things to be glad of in an flister.

I just keep watching more and more random old TV and then going on about it and wondering why no one else has ever heard of it. Lately I have developed a thing for 1930s British films. It is not helping with the obscurity levels. :-)


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