Welcome post

Aug 30, 2014 20:54

Hail, fellow travellers, and well met. My LJ is mostly for fic, recs, icons, vids and fannish nonsense - fic/vids/icons etc. remain open, but the rest has got largely flocked these days (people were scraping entries via tags, unfortunately). I'm terribly obscure and multi-fannish, but generally happy to make new friends. As of 4th Jun 2018, I only post to Dreamwidth, so please find me there!

My fic:
lost_spook on AO3
vvj5 at A Teaspoon and An Open Mind (the Doctor Who archive)

My vids:
lostspook1 at YouTube

Current & Past Prompt tables etc: genprompt_bingo card (Round 11) | Fourth Doctor Era - 6 Prompts (for dw_allsorts) | Historical for dw_allsorts | Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card | Trope Bingo card | 100 Element Prompts | 50 Ficlets | Shakespeare Plays Watched.

Also the 500 Prompts Meme. runaway_tales: Masterpost here.

Dear Yuletide Letter 2016 here

Notes on permission: Any remixes etc. based on fanworks of mine are fine - go ahead, and do let me know; I'd be thrilled. And, obviously, credit is nice. No posts made here to be reproduced elsewhere, thanks. If you wish to link to any open posts, of course, please do so!

If you would like to friend me and we haven't already interacted, please drop me a comment to say hi.

maid marian and her merry men, masterlist, doctor who, brittas empire, recs, 500 prompts, 100 element prompts, fannish scribbles, fanvids, press gang, sapphire and steel, downton abbey, chalet school, blake's 7

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