Title: The Wages of Compassion
Continuity: G1 AU, set between season 2 and TFTM
Rating: NC-17
Content advice: (NB: this is for the whole story, not just this chapter) spark bonding, robotic gore, implied combat violence, sexual themes, explicit consensual and non-consensual sticky and non-sticky sex, coercion, dark, some humour. Includes multiple
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Comments 5
Um. Cough. Anyway. ROAD TRIP YAY. God, there's so much I want to flail about I really don't even know where to really start. Actually, yeah, road trip is a good place: I absolutely love that the setting is offworld. Complete separation from Earth, his team, everything he knows, and traveling in the company of his enemies, this is just amazing. *bounces* <333333 It increases his dependence on Vortex and makes everything that much more grand and fabulously complex.
I love this: “Don’t.” First Aid lowered his head. “Not here.”There's this sadness, almost a little resignation? But First Aid is still enforcing his boundaries best be can. Not to mention I love that he knew what Vortex had in mind and V doesn't push. The bond bleeding through to both of them, argh, I'm sure I'll say this a lot but I really enjoy it. Sometimes it's tiny, subtle things and sometimes it's embarrassing and difficult for them and I love that ( ... )
The bond bleeding through to both of them, argh SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! So glad you spotted that and YES! totally intentional, and there'll be more of that as it progresses. Vortex might start to notice that soon, but I can't see him kicking up a fuss about it. Unlike Aid.
The fact that he keeps tigers is just bafflingly adorable Well, I couldn't help myself :D Although he pays a human to look after them. I've had an OC brewing for that for a while, although I don't know if she'll end up in the fic. And there's a big hand-drawn sign somewhere in Kaon script and a few other languages that says something like 'Swindle is not allowed to sell the tigers'.
As for the coercion thing, yep, also a favourite. Especially with this pairing, and ( ... )
Between that and just wanting to pet or hold First Aid, and his possessiveness of Swindle last chapter, makes me think he's got a big of a soft spot for things he finds cute. Pity he's not able to be more gentle ( ... )
Ah Brawl, one day he'll get someone to reduce the power to his arms, and then he can hug everything.
Not sure how I feel about First Aid giving in to the programming urges- its making his life easier for the short term, but how will he do in the long? Damned good question, that. As best he can, I think. I have a vague idea how this is going to end, and I can't see it being all that happy.
Hehe, glad you like the drone.
Oh god. He'd drive everybody nuts with wanting to cuddle.
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