10 More Days!

Apr 03, 2010 08:26

Six-word Glee Drabble-a-Thon!

1. One fic per comment. Post as many fics as you'd like.
2. Any and all Glee pairings welcome, Het, Slash, Real Person, Crossover. Whatever you want.
3. The game is to write a 6 word fic, it's alright to do 6 words per line, add six words to someone else's.
4. Put the couple and rating in the subject line.
5. Be nice. Comment on other's fics if you like them.

Pimp It!

http://lost-raziel.livejournal.com/435284.html">Six-word Glee Drabble-a-Thon!

!six words, tv: glee