ebooks, .lit, DRM removal and hating Bill Gates

Sep 04, 2012 22:50

Looking for some help.

I have a dozen or so bought and paid for .lit ebooks.

One reads .lit ebooks by downloading and activating Microsoft Reader. One strips the DRM from them (in order to then convert to an actual ebook reader format that I can use) by having an activated copy of MS Reader and ConvertLitAs of 30th Aug 2012 you can no longer ( Read more... )

you could not make this shit up

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Comments 6

tartanboxers September 5 2012, 00:02:42 UTC
I don't know it it'll work on .lit files, but I've used Calibre to convert my ebooks. You have to look around and get a plug-in to strip the DRM. I used Sony Reader on my laptop, but when I got a Kobo, I had books that I wanted to put on my e-reader. So I Googled and found out the method. It was very easy.

ETA: According to the Calibre FAQ, you can convert from .lit to other formats.


loriel_eris September 5 2012, 07:01:03 UTC
Yeah, Calibre has been awesome to me already, however, it'll only convert .lit once it's been stripped of its DRM. Thanks tho.


tartanboxers September 5 2012, 11:40:41 UTC
You can add a widget that will strip DRM. It's not official but you'll find it if you Google.

ETA: Oh, the site linked in the comment below is the one I found for stripping DRM. Sorry. :(


loriel_eris September 5 2012, 17:42:12 UTC
Thanks for looking! I've got the other widgets installed, so that I can pick and choose where I buy my books, but the only one the widgets can't do is .lit... I'm must have done something really annoying in a previous life!


mremre September 5 2012, 02:34:30 UTC
I just learned how to convert AZW3 (the new Kindle format) to epubs so I could read them on my Sony T1, so I feel your pain. This link (http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/hello-world/) looks to be the most comprehensive set of tools/calibre plugins around. Not sure if they help unlock protected .lit files, but it can't hurt to try converting with standard calibre to see if an error message appears. That's always a good stepping stone to see what kind of protection you need to unwind ( ... )


loriel_eris September 5 2012, 07:05:51 UTC
Apprentice Alf has answered all my other DRMing needs, but his solution for .lit? Use ConvertLit... *headdesk* That also seems to be the solution the whole rest of the internet suggests too! Which, up until a week ago was awesome. Now? A lot less so... Thanks for the suggestion tho.

I suspect you're right, I will have to acquire these books elsewhere. The hassle factor was what initially put me off the alternative acquisition route, but in hindsight, it looks like it might have been a lot less hassle than trying to strip the DRM!


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