Title: Observational Legacy (1/1)
lorelaisquaredRating: G
Characters: Nine, Ten, Eleven, Amelia Pond, mentions of Donna Noble and Rose Tyler
Word Count: 1977
Beta: This fic is unbetaed so if you do see any errors, please feel free to PM me so I can fix them.
SPOILER WARNING: Contains explicit spoliers up to and including The Eleventh Hour
Summary: What
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Comments 40
HA! Yeah well, Ten didn't want to admit that he was EVER off on his timing. He preferred to pretend he was exempt and therefore perfect.
Author's confession though: I couldn't think of any specific examples for Ten even though I know there are lots so that's part of how it ended up this way. LOL.
Thanks so much :)
I saw that Castrovalva and the five Doctors but I think there's more... enjoy :)
I wibbled a teensy bit at the Rose mention, and the banana thing was great. The only thing missing is outrage that they never got to hijack a fire truck in their days. :P (I only say that because while watching it the first time I actually had the thought "Damn, Nine and Ten never got to do THAT.")
But I really really liked it.
Awww yes, Rose had to be mentioned. So did Bananas. It's one thing they will never bicker over. LMAO I am a bad, bad fan, I forgot all about the FIRE TRUCK! Clearly Ten and Nine missed it because they were too busy bickering at each other. They're like a bunch of kids those two.
I'm so glad you liked it! ♥
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