What's To Come Is Still Unsure (17/17)

Mar 06, 2010 01:53

Title: What's to Come is still Unsure (17/17)
Author: lorelaisquared
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: TenII/Rose
Word Count: 3771
Beta: The incredible cookie2697
Warning: Some angsty sections
Summary: Part One in an epic love story spanning time and space: When the Doctor abandons Rose in Pete's world with his counterpart, they must learn to live without him. Slowly they build a life together that is filled with love, adventure, danger, and more surprises than either had ever thought possible.
Author's Note: Wow, how quickly the time has flown. Here is the seventeenth and final chapter of Part One. I would like to thank ALL of my readers. Thank you all for sticking with me throughout the first part of this tumultuous adventure.

As always, thank you to the people who helped me bring this story to life: cookie2697, tardismate, gioiamia, rumpelsnorcack, meremoon and earlgreytea68 *massive hugs to you all*

The title of this story comes from a line of a song in Shakespeares "Twelfth Night" commonly called "O Mistress Mine".

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Rose stared at him, baffled. "You're sending us to the other universe?"

"It's the only way, Rose." The Doctor looked down at the grass.

"No." Rose shook her head vigorously.

"Rose, please."

"He abandoned us." Anger that she'd repressed years ago burst through the invisible barrier she'd hidden it behind.

"Viola needs him," he reminded her. "And I suspect that he needs you."

"What do you mean?" Rose frowned.

"He's lost a lot. That does something to a person. Makes them shut down, do things they wouldn't otherwise do."

"He has Donna."

"I don't think he does. I'm not sure she would have survived the metacrisis." The Doctor's eyes narrowed sadly at the thought.

"What?" She fought to hold back her anger.

"There's never been a human-Time Lord metacrisis before, Rose. I doubt her brain could have handled it."

"He knew, didn't he?" Rose's voice was soft, but furious. "When he left us that day, he knew something was going to happen to Donna. He knew that he would be alone again."

"I suspect he had an inkling." The Doctor admitted.

"How couldhe?" Rose exploded. "How could he leave us knowing that he'd end up alone?"

"He made a choice."

Hot angry tears spilled down her cheeks. "No. He took mychoice away."

The Doctor gaped at her, hurt filling his eyes. "Are you saying you regret your life with me?"

Rose softened instantly, staring at the man who had been her friend, her husband, her lover, her rock, for more years than she could count. She reached out to stroke the side of his head, to run her fingers through his hair, something she'd thought she'd never be able to do again. "No, Doctor, no." Tears continued to roll down her face, but no longer from anger. "I don't regret a single minute of our life together, Doctor. I love you, I will always love you. I need you."

She was sobbing now and the Doctor pulled her into his embrace, tucking her head against the safety of his chest. He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head lightly as he held her until her grief subsided. Eventually her sobs turned to gasping hiccups and the heaving of her shoulders eased to a gentle tremble. The Doctor hooked his finger under her chin and lifted her head so he could see her face. With extreme tenderness he dipped his own head and brushed his lips against hers. He could taste the saltiness of her tears as she parted her lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. She returned his kiss with desperation, as though trying to drink him all in so that she would never have to let him go.

Reluctantly he broke the kiss and brushed her hair from her eyes. "Rose," he whispered softly. "Viola needs --"

Rose cut him off, her voice sad and hollow as she nodded and said, "I know." The meaning of her words hung in the air and they sat in silence for a few minutes until Rose asked the question he'd been dreading. "How will you get us there?"

"Well, see, that part I hadn't quite figured out yet." He grinned sheepishly. "We'll have to use the TARDIS, of course, but that doesn't help you get through the void."

"You can use the Dimension Cannon." They both looked up in surprise at Viola who was standing a few feet away from them.

"How did you know what we were talking about?" Rose asked. "You've been over there this whole time." She pointed to where the flowers now sat perched on the gravestone in a beautiful arrangement.

Viola rolled her eyes. "Time Lord hearing, Mum."

Rose laughed. "Oh, of course. Silly me for forgetting."

"Very silly," Viola agreed. She looked at her father. "Hook the Dimension Cannon up to the core of the TARDIS. The two combined will get us through the void. Just like they were going to do."

"Awww, that's my girl." The Doctor smiled at her. "Always knew you were brighter than me."

Viola's eyes suddenly filled with tears. "Never." Suddenly she flew forward, thrusting herself into his arms. "Oh, Daddy, I'm so sorry."

"For what?" he asked, alarmed.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault."

"What?" The Doctor looked startled.

"Oh, no. Sweetheart it's not your fault." Rose reached out and stroked her daughter's hair. "It was an accident."

"But if I had -"

"No," the Doctor said firmly. "Viola, you can't tell me what happened. It's still in my future, I can't know. You should understand why."

She looked at him seriously for a moment. "Yes. I know why. You shouldn't be here you know. It's against the rules."

"I know, but I knew that you needed me one last time."

"I need you always, Daddy."

He kissed her forehead. "I know."

Viola hugged him and took a shaky breath. "If you're going to send us through the void then we should get moving. You have to get back to us."

"You're right. Let's go." He stood, helping Rose to her feet, their hands clasped tightly together. Viola found his free hand, and together, with the Doctor wedged tightly between them, they made their way to his TARDIS.

Before the door closed, Viola turned back to look at the tombstone. "Goodbye Daddy," she whispered softly.


They stopped at the mansion first. Rose quickly explained to Jackie and Pete what was happening and where they were going. She was surprised by how easily they accepted the news.

"We knew you couldn't stay here forever, sweetheart," Jackie explained. "Not without him." She pointed at the Doctor from the past. "Viola needs someone to keep her on the right path."

"Yes, she does," the Doctor agreed.

"Thank you," Jackie said, approaching him. "Thank you for keeping my girls safe. I'm so proud to have had you as a son-in-law." She hugged him then and despite the awkwardness, the Doctor appreciated it.

Jackie moved to Viola next. "Goodbye sweetheart, you take good care of your Mummy, you hear?"

Viola nodded. "Of course, Grandma. We Tylers have to stick together."

Jackie laughed. "That we do, hon, that we do." She hugged her. "I'll miss you."

Viola gave Jackie a sloppy kiss. "I'll miss you too, Grandma."

Viola gave Tony a hug, and then flung herself into Pete's arms. She kissed his cheek and hugged his neck tightly. "Goodbye Grandpa Petey, I'll miss you."

"And I you," Pete told her, hugging her back. "Make sure you're safe out there, yeah?"

"Of course." Viola wriggled out of his grip and waved as she went to discuss strategy with her father from the past.

Rose was left standing alone in the circle of her family.

She said goodbye to Pete first. "Who knew when we met all those years ago that you'd become part of my family for real?"

"We were always family, Rose," Pete replied, brushing a bit of hair from her eyes. "From the moment I met you, it just felt right. I'm so proud that you're my daughter."

Rose threw herself into his arms, burying her face into the shoulder of the man who shared the face and the blood of the father she'd never had, but in time had grown to be the only father she had ever known.

"I'm going to miss you, Daddy..."

Pete hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. "I'll miss you too, Rose."

Rose pulled back and looked up at him. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me, and the Doctor, and Viola. And also for making Mum so happy. I know you'll take good care of her."

Pete's eyes were red around the edges as he nodded. "Of course I will. You take good care of that precocious little one over there. And don't you go letting her get away with too much either. Got a streak of mischief in her, that one."

"Oh, don't worry, I've got her pegged." Rose hugged him again and moved to Tony.

Tony had grown tall over the years, and he towered over her. He was in college now and Rose couldn't have been more proud of him. "See ya, Tony." She gave him a hug.

"Bye, Rose. Take good care of yourself." He lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, "And don't worry about Mum and Dad. I'll make sure they're well cared for when the time comes."

Rose smiled tersely and squeezed his arm. "Thank you Tony, that means so much to me."

She turned to her mum.

They stared at each other tearfully for a moment before they ran to each other and embraced fiercely. "I'll miss you, Mum," Rose said.

"I'll miss you too, Sweetheart. I love you." Jackie kissed Rose on the forehead. "You and that little wonder over there are destined for great things. Whenever I miss you, I'll look up to the stars and imagine you're out there somewhere, keeping them from going out."

"We will be, Mum. We'll make you proud." Rose insisted.

"Oh, love, I've always been proud of you. But for all the heartache it's given you, you made the right choice in traveling with the Doctor all those years ago. You were right when you told me he made you better. I didn't see it then, but I see it now. You are amazing, Rose Tyler."

"Oh, Mum." They hugged again and finally Rose pulled away. "I'll never forget you," she whispered.

After that they were ready to go. Rose and Viola slipped into their TARDIS and the Doctor vanished inside the TARDIS from the past. A moment later, in a whoosh of pulsating sound, both TARDISes disappeared.


They reappeared on the beach in the Bad Wolf Bay. Rose shuddered slightly, recalling her two previous visits to this place. The last time she'd been here she'd been consumed by anger at the Doctor for leaving her here without a choice. Now here she was preparing to return to him from the very spot where he'd abandoned her.

The anger she'd buried so many years before began to resurface and Rose fought to swallow it back. She could deal with her emotions for that Doctor later. Right now she wanted to focus on her husband, whom she would never see again.

He stood on the beach watching her, wearing the blue suit that he'd always favoured. She went to him, pulling him into her arms and kissing him frantically with a passion and determination that almost frightened her. He returned the kiss, deepening it by slipping his tongue between her lips and tracing it along the outside of her teeth, the roof of her mouth, the pockets of her cheeks. He devoured every bit of her, knowing that this was the last time she would ever get to kiss him, or feel him, or touch him. If the circumstances had been different he would have dragged her on board the TARDIS to make love to her one last time, but they were running short on time so he was left with only this tiny moment to show her just how much he loved her.

When they finally broke apart, gasping for air, the Doctor looked into the depths of her eyes and bared his soul, much as he had on their wedding day. "I love you Rose Tyler. I have loved you since the day we met and I will continue to love you until the end of time."

Rose swallowed back tears. For the third time, she was standing on this God-forsaken beach, in the cold and the wind, fighting the urge to cry, as she said goodbye to a man she loved above all others. God, she hated this place.

Blinking back the tears, Rose ran her hand through his perfect hair. "I love you, Doctor. Always have and always will. I will never forget you."

The tears spilled over, hot and wet as they drizzled down her cheeks. He kissed her again, a slower, chaste kiss. She responded in kind before gesturing toward Viola who was standing between the two TARDISes, watching them carefully.

He walked over to her and crouched low so he could look into her eyes. Rose watched them from a distance as they spoke to each other in hushed voices. The Doctor seemed to finish imparting whatever wisdom he could upon the young, impressionable girl, and they embraced. He whispered something into her ear and Rose saw a single tear stream down Viola's face. She was so like the Doctor, fighting not to show emotion even when it was warranted. The thought made Rose smile sadly.

As she made her way over to them, she could hear the final notes of a familiar tune and she knew that he had been singing to her; singing to her like he'd tried to on the night of his death. Rose blinked back tears of her own and took a deep breath. It was time.

It only took the Doctor and Viola a few minutes to hook up the Dimension Cannon to the core of the TARDIS.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rose asked as she glanced at the glowing piece of coral he'd pulled out of depths of the TARDIS.

"Yes, it's the heart of the TARDIS. The piece we received on the beach that day. She grew from this, thanks to our love. And now, she'll ensure that you and Viola get safely where you need to be."

Rose ran her hand over the surface of the coral beam closest to her. "She's been good to us, all these years," she whispered.

The Doctor placed his hand over hers. "She has," he agreed softly. "I'll miss her."

"And she'll miss you," Rose added, her voice breaking.

The TARDIS pulsed against their hands in agreement and Rose felt the air get heavy around them as she had once before, years ago when she'd grieved for the baby she thought she'd never have. Once again it felt as though the TARDIS were trying to give her a hug. She sent back hug vibes of her own, and knew instinctively that the Doctor was doing the same.

"Okay, I think we're set," Viola announced, from beneath the console, where she had added the finishing touches on the complicated wiring job she had completed with her father a few minutes earlier.

Rose looked at the tangled mess of wires dubiously. "Are you sure it's safe?"

The Doctor scoffed. "Of course it's safe. It's been put together by two of the most brilliant beings in the universe. It'll get you across." He paused. "Weeeelll, there's a slight chance it might make reality implode, but it's only a very slight chance and in all likelihood we did it right."


"Okay, okay. Yes, it's safe. Viola knows what to do," he assured her.

Rose nodded.

The Doctor took her hands in his. "When you get there, find him as fast as you can. He'll probably sense Viola, her telekinetic abilities are getting stronger, but he won't know who or what she is, so you're going to have to explain."

"Okay." Rose hesitated. "Doctor, there's something I should tell you, something you should know..." she trailed off, uncertain of how to tell him the crucial bit of information that could one day prevent him from jumping in front of a Dalek for her. Uncertain if she should.

He looked at her carefully before responding. "Will it stop me from dying?" he asked finally.

"Maybe... probably..." I hope so, she added silently.

"Then you can't tell me." He stared directly into her eyes as he spoke and she could see regret and pain. The same regret and pain that had been in his eyes when he'd returned to her after his disappearance two years before. Rose gulped as she realized that shehad been the cause of that expression.

The Doctor continued. "I can't know anything more about my future when I return to you than I did when I left."

"I know, it's just, if I had only told you sooner, if I hadn't tried to protect you so much, maybe, maybe it would have been different." Rose kicked herself mentally as she thought back to the conversation she'd had with her mother after they'd been attacked by the Ood.

"You CAN'T tell him about this."

"I won't," Jackie said uncertainly.

"Promise me." Rose said fiercely, her eyes suddenly glowing again. "Because if he finds out, he might try to remove it again and then I'd lose him - permanently. I need him, Mum, so I need you to keep this from him."

She had been wrong? If she had told the Doctor then, they would have worked it out together, and he never would have died. Rose covered her mouth, choking on a sob.

"It's not your fault Rose. It is what it is. Don't you dare beat yourself up over this. My death is fixed. It can't be changed. It's time for you to move on." He pulled her into one last hug. As he held her, rubbing her back, his head resting on the top of her head he said softly, "Don't be afraid to love again."

Rose shook her head. She couldn't fathom loving anyone but him. "I love you, Doctor. I'll miss you." She leaned up and kissed him one last time.

He returned her kiss tenderly. "I love you, too," he told her as he moved toward the door. He looked at Viola who was fiddling with a wire on the Dimension Cannon. "I love both my girls. Stick together. Good luck."

"Goodbye, Doctor."

"Goodbye, Daddy."

With that, he stepped out of the TARDIS and closed the door, taking a chunk of Rose's heart with him.


Viola studied the TARDIS monitor and waited for the signal. As soon as she saw that her father had activated the Dimension Cannon using the remote control he'd created, she began to flick and press the appropriate switches and buttons. The TARDIS began to spin and Rose was forced to grab on to the nearest pillar while Viola continued to dash around the console - flicking, pressing, pulling.

The lights began to flicker and the TARDIS spun so fast that Rose was certain her stomach would end up in her throat. The TARDIS started to shake more violently than it ever had before and Rose wondered if they were being pulled apart by the fabric of reality. Before the thought was even fully formed, the spinning and shaking eased.

"We're through the void!" Viola cried triumphantly. "We did it!"

Rose let go of the pillar and walked to the jump-seat, on trembling legs. "Well done, love."

"Oh, it's was all Daddy. I just pressed a few buttons." Viola shrugged.

"Well I still think you did good."

"Thanks, Mum." Viola grinned at her. "Okay, we're in your universe now, where should we go first? I wouldn't mind seeing where you and grandma used to live. Oh, and Donna. I haveto meet her. Also, I'd love to meet this Jack person."

Rose stared at her daughter in shock for a moment. Where had she heard about Jack? As far as she recalled, he hadn't come up in any of the stories Rose had told her. Her surprise quickly shifted to concern as Viola continued to rattle off a list of places she wanted to visit. She was so like the Doctor, covering her emotions with words and false energy. Rose worried that it wasn't healthy.

"Slow down, sweetheart," Rose cautioned once she'd recovered. "We don't even know yet if our TARDIS will work in this universe."

As if on cue, the TARDIS began to shake again. Rose clung to the jump-seat just in time. The TARDIS landed with a resounding crash. The lights flickered once more before fading out completely. While Rose and Viola watched, the piece of coral attached to the Dimension Cannon pulsed, flickering off for a moment with a creaky moan before glowing green again.

Rose knelt beside it, unfastening the coral and cradling it in her palms. It glowed brighter as it touched her skin, but soon became dim again, flickering twice more. Each time it flickered Rose and Viola could hear an awful, anguished groan, as though the TARDIS were in pain.

"No," Rose cried out, resting it against her chest. "No, you can't leave me too. You have to survive." A tear trickled down her cheek and Viola came behind her, encircling her mother's neck with her slender wrists in a comforting hug.

"It's okay, Mum, you've still got me."

Rose looked up at her daughter, smiling wanly. "I do, at that. And you are the most precious gift I ever could have asked for." She kept the coral grasped in one hand and used to other to squeeze Viola's.

Together they watched in silence as the TARDIS core flickered a final time before it went completely dark.

Rose desperately blew on the coral, hoping to see it shine once more, but nothing happened. She held it out to Viola who tried to take it from her.

"No, no, no! Blow on it! Blow on it!" Rose pleaded.

Viola did as she was asked, frantically expelling air over the piece of coral. "It's not working."

Rose tried again herself, but still nothing happened. She began to sob and Viola crawled into her lap, hugging her tightly and grieving with her. Rose gave herself over to her grief, letting it overwhelm her. She had lost everything and it felt as though the losses had taken her soul. Her husband was dead, she was miles from home with her young, impressionable and grieving daughter, and now the beloved TARDIS that had been birthed from the love between her and her husband was gone as well.

She cried until she had no more tears and her breath came in gasps. She hugged her daughter more tightly, rocking slightly as she composed herself. They were here for Viola, she reminded herself, and for Viola's sake, she had to get up, had to move on. She couldn't afford to fall apart any longer, she had to pick up the pieces and help Viola. Rose closed her eyes, mentally saying goodbye to the TARDIS before standing, taking Viola's hand and leading her to the door.

It was time to see where and when they had landed so that they could find the Doctor and begin the next phase of their life.


Author’s Note: As some of you may have already guessed, there WILL be a sequel to this story, but thanks to RL it will take a while for me to get it to you. In the meantime, I will be writing some short stories to fill in some of the gaps in the 20 years of Rose, The Doctor, and Viola’s lives that are featured in this story, and I will happily accept reader input on what you would like me to write about. So, if there is a missing scene that you are dying to see, a moment of Viola’s early childhood that you would like to read more about, an expansion of an existing scene that you’re dying to read about, leave a message on this post and you just might get to see your selection come to life sometime in the near future!

I have decided to call this series “The ShakespeareVerse” so any stories within it, will be tagged accordingly.

dwfic, series: shakespeareverse, doctor who, story: what's to come

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