DW Fic: Vigil (1/1)

Jul 30, 2009 07:47

Title: Vigil (1/1)
Rating: General
Word Count: 2558
Summary: Rose and the Doctor are reunited at the end of Partners in Crime.
Authors Note:I seem to be obsessed with the moment when Rose appears at the end of Partners in Crime. This is kind of a companion piece to my first DW fic, Reunion, though it's not a ( Read more... )

rose, ten, fic, dwfic, donna, doctor who

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Comments 54

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lorelaisquared July 31 2009, 16:40:00 UTC
Because cake and tea was priority then good times were had by all and nothing bad happened.

EXACTLY! LOL. The poor kids needed at least a moment of happy calm reunion before the chaos of a crisis.

Yes, yes YES S4 should have been Rose and Donna with the Doctor in the TARDIS. Rose and Donna would get along so well!!!

Ooooh yes. They really would have. Hmmmm *considers making this a longer rewrite of season 4... Oh the possibilities. I may have to think on this (even though I have about 5 things in various states of progress right now LOL)

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

You might also like my very first fic "Reunion" (link in the summary) which is a completely different scenario of them reuniting at the end of PIC! (That one was actually written right after I saw PIC for the first time so I hadn't seen the end of S4 yet!)


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lorelaisquared July 31 2009, 17:29:01 UTC
Thank you, thank you, thank you! So glad you liked it! :) Don't I wish it had happened this way.


jennyshepard July 31 2009, 15:58:29 UTC
Oh, I remember how I sat at the end of PIC and shouted "Follow her!!" when I saw Rose. I always wondered if she actually felt his presence, but if the feeling yet wasn't strong enough to actually find him. I mean, she was at least at the right place... mostly.
Well, didn't we all wish for a reunion before TSE/JE? Your story is so wonderful and sad - and I love it that Donna's part of it, because I can very well imagine the three of them travelling together. And Donna shipping the Doctor and Rose *laughs*
Great story, loved it!


lorelaisquared July 31 2009, 17:35:08 UTC
Awww Thank you so much Jenny. I'm glad you enjoyed this. There's something about PIC that is just begging for more story (this is my second Rose/Ten reunion fic set in that time period). There are just so many ways she could have found her way to him in that moment and not months and months later when they were too busy to properly enjoy the short time they were together. I think I'd have felt a lot better about him leaving her on the beach in JE if we'd seen them travel together again before that (with Donna).

Anyway, thanks so much, I'm really glad you liked it.


teruel_a_witch July 31 2009, 18:15:21 UTC
If he left her on that beach after passing so much time with her and probably having had his wicked way with her I would SO SMACK him :D
well, and being serious, I think that he couldn't have left her at all if he grew accustomed to her presence in his life again, it's like cutting a limb, the faster you cut it, the less your pain will be. Having said that, I HATE that they spend so little time together in TSE/JE. *grr*


lorelaisquared July 31 2009, 22:58:10 UTC
LOL you make a very good point. I think I would have to smack him in that case too. And yes, I think it would be a lot harder for him to leave her if he was more attached - it's the same reason he made 10II say the words "I love you" to Rose and why he never kissed her - if he did, I don't think he would have ever been able to leave her.


teruel_a_witch July 31 2009, 16:52:40 UTC
awww, I can never resist a good reunion-fic, especially set in season 4 before JE (they are really loads more rare than,say, reunions after Doomsday and after or during season 3) I love it so much, and the fact that the Doctor didn't notice her at first, always good for suspense *grin* and how he woke her up with wispered declarations - definitely awww-worthy <3333
He hugged her more tightly and brushed a kiss against her temple
I was just thinking while reading that it'd be good if he kissed her temple and here it is *awwww* temple-kissing is just about my favourite cute thing ever <33333
The rest could come later.... Much later.
oh, but Rose is injured, go away, smut bunnies, leave me alone :DDD


lorelaisquared July 31 2009, 17:42:27 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed this reunion fic. I think I love this genre - there's so much you can do with it. In fact, after I saw PIC for the first time I had to drive for 3 hours and while I was in the car I thought of THREE reunion scenarios based on that (this was all before I'd seen anything else from S4). This was one of those ideas. There's another fic, Reunion, that I wrote as soon as I arrived at my destination and I still have a third scenario floating in my brain. It may come to fruition one day soon ( ... )


teruel_a_witch July 31 2009, 18:06:47 UTC
there's so much you can do with it
tell me about it, almost all ideas I came up with are reunions of all sorts *g* When I rewatch series 3 and 4 I reunite them almost after or during every episode in my head *g*

Yeah, I remember, I've read "Reunion" and liked it when you first posted it on T&C , I just wasn't registered back then :D

draw it out a bit.
it's a good thing to do, because of all moments the actual reunion, when they see each other again for the first time, is still the most powerful moment, a climax(in a decent meaing,of course) of sorts and it's more appreciated when it's awaited :D

the Doctor too out there with his emotions
yeah, he's not one for turning his emotions into words usually, especially in front of others. I can never really get him to say the words even in my head *g*

I'm glad I was able to place that in just the spot where it was needed. it felt like very natural thing to do, he's hugging her tight and kissing her temple would be natural companion to this position and also burying his face in her hair ( ... )


lorelaisquared August 1 2009, 07:14:36 UTC
tell me about it, almost all ideas I came up with are reunions of all sorts *g* When I rewatch series 3 and 4 I reunite them almost after or during every episode in my head *g* oooh cool. You'll love it when we get to S3 and S4 in the "Time in Flux" ficathon that I'm running. S1 and 2 are in progress now, but basically the goal is to get Rose and the Doctor together in every episode. So in S3 and 4 that's going to mean either ignoring Doomsday or reuniting them! :)

Oooh, I'm glad you liked Reunion too. :) It was my first DW fic so it's special to me.

it's a good thing to do, because of all moments the actual reunion, when they see each other again for the first time, is still the most powerful moment, a climax(in a decent meaing,of course) of sorts and it's more appreciated when it's awaited :D You're right. It really is a highly anticipated moment and if you rush that it will lose some of that momentum. And I like that they each see each other again at a different time. Rose when she enters the TARDIS unnoticed, and the Doctor ( ... )


sensiblecat July 31 2009, 21:41:29 UTC
What a delicious happy story - may I friend you?


lorelaisquared July 31 2009, 22:25:47 UTC
Awww Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed.

OMG DT with the kitten = ovary exploding cuteness! :)

Certainly! Friend away! :)


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