DW Fic: Vigil (1/1)

Jul 30, 2009 07:47

Title: Vigil (1/1)
Rating: General
Word Count: 2558
Summary: Rose and the Doctor are reunited at the end of Partners in Crime.
Authors Note:I seem to be obsessed with the moment when Rose appears at the end of Partners in Crime. This is kind of a companion piece to my first DW fic, Reunion, though it's not a ( Read more... )

rose, ten, fic, dwfic, donna, doctor who

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lorelaisquared August 1 2009, 07:14:36 UTC
tell me about it, almost all ideas I came up with are reunions of all sorts *g* When I rewatch series 3 and 4 I reunite them almost after or during every episode in my head *g* oooh cool. You'll love it when we get to S3 and S4 in the "Time in Flux" ficathon that I'm running. S1 and 2 are in progress now, but basically the goal is to get Rose and the Doctor together in every episode. So in S3 and 4 that's going to mean either ignoring Doomsday or reuniting them! :)

Oooh, I'm glad you liked Reunion too. :) It was my first DW fic so it's special to me.

it's a good thing to do, because of all moments the actual reunion, when they see each other again for the first time, is still the most powerful moment, a climax(in a decent meaing,of course) of sorts and it's more appreciated when it's awaited :D You're right. It really is a highly anticipated moment and if you rush that it will lose some of that momentum. And I like that they each see each other again at a different time. Rose when she enters the TARDIS unnoticed, and the Doctor when he finally recognizes her in his arms.

I can never really get him to say the words even in my head *g* I think that's one of his most frustrating qualities. In JE when they're on the beach and he says "Does it really need saying?" I scream "YES" at the TV everytime... LOL I think my nerdiness is showing.

f I do decide to turn this into a longer rewrite of S4 could add some wonderful angst and tension
YES! That would be the most AWESOME thing to do, because there're NO season 4 rewrites out there, like, ZERO, null, nothing *pouts* I stumbled onto only one or two full-season 3 rewrites with Rose and they aren't even finished (( and I love it when they hadn't had sex before reunion, that means they can have reunion-sex ;DDD Ooooh really? Hmmmm this idea is looking more an more appealing by the minute. I will have to give this some serious consideration.... And rewatch S4... how tragical.


teruel_a_witch August 1 2009, 10:15:22 UTC
You'll love it when we get to S3 and S4 in the "Time in Flux" ficathon that I'm running.
Oh, you are running it,and I was wondering where I've seen your username, that's cool=) and I'm already excited because almost every single one of my favourite writers signed up(Now I only hope that most of them have to write Ten because I don't read Nine :D)
either ignoring Doomsday or reuniting them!
I'm happy with both options, it's win-win *grins*

the Doctor when he finally recognizes her in his arms.
hehe, I knew he'd think it was Donna (though Donna must be a touch heavier than Rose *g*), but what a pleasant surprise *grin*)

I scream "YES" at the TV everytime...
well, who doesn't? *g* If Rose hadn't said this words a few years back I'd be OK with not saying them at all, but she did, and feminist part in me (which is the biggest one,actually) demands that they'd be even, and also finally hearing this words from the Doctor's lips would be just GUH, I want him to say it, dammit *grr*
I think my nerdiness is showing.
I insist that I'm the biggest geek of all :P

Hmmmm this idea is looking more an more appealing by the minute.
yay, my efforts might not be in vain *grins*

And rewatch S4... how tragical.
well, watching at Ten's best hair EVAH isn't that bad, is it? *g*


lorelaisquared August 2 2009, 07:27:10 UTC
Oh, you are running it,and I was wondering where I've seen your username, that's cool=) and I'm already excited because almost every single one of my favourite writers signed up(Now I only hope that most of them have to write Ten because I don't read Nine :D) Yup, that's me! :) I suspect we'll start seeing fics posted for that fairly soon. People have had their assignments for almost two weeks now. And as a Ten reader you'll be happy to know that we have two full cycles of Season 2 being written. (Meaning each episode from S2 was assigned to two people because so many authors signed up). So that means twice the Ten Fics. There weren't as many Nine writers so there's only one set of S1.

I'm happy with both options, it's win-win *grins* I agree. And I'll be giving people a choice of which option they want to go with so that should lead to some great variety and creativity in those fics.

hehe, I knew he'd think it was Donna (though Donna must be a touch heavier than Rose *g*), but what a pleasant surprise *grin*) Donna's only just started travelling with him - and somehow I don't think he'd pay attention to her weight. I liked making him think Rose was Donna. It was kinda fun. And gave me the chance to give Donna some fun dialogue.

well, who doesn't? *g* If Rose hadn't said this words a few years back I'd be OK with not saying them at all, but she did, and feminist part in me (which is the biggest one,actually) demands that they'd be even, and also finally hearing this words from the Doctor's lips would be just GUH, I want him to say it, dammit *grr* I understand what you mean. And after the way that scene on the beach went in Doomsday with the Doctor almost saying the words before he vanished it's like we've been waiting (like Rose) for two years to hear him say it, and then for it not to happen? It's disappointing. Although I do get why he doesn't say it - there are many reasons it would be painful/difficult for him to say it then, especially since it would have been so hard for him to leave her as it was.

I insist that I'm the biggest geek of all :P I don't know... I think I could give you a run for your money! :)

yay, my efforts might not be in vain *grins*
Not at all. I love Donna too so that's part of what makes this idea so appealing. The Doctor with TWO of my favourite companions. *happy sigh*. Hee, and I think there needs to be a Jack encounter in there somewhere... hee :)

well, watching at Ten's best hair EVAH isn't that bad, is it? *g* LOL very true. Not to mention all the great episodes. S4 is one of my favs.


teruel_a_witch August 2 2009, 11:34:35 UTC
So that means twice the Ten Fics.
yay, can't wait :D

I don't think he'd pay attention to her weight.
I just think that it would occur to him that someone else is lurking in the TARDIS, not usually a place where you could end up without invitation :D

Although I do get why he doesn't say it -
Me,too, I don't think that he is unable to say the words, I do even believe he wanted to, but he didn't let himself do it to give Ten2 the chance to say them.

It's disappointing
it IS. especially since reply "Quite right,too" was some kind of joke I don't get, I really thought that it was the same as "Me,too" (probably because it was translated that way when I first watched it,before I started watching only in the original) and then I've seen in some discussion that people were angry at him for saying that and in fic,too, Rose was angry, so I got that's not what he had in mind, but I still don't know exactly what does "Quite right,too" mean in the context... "I love you. - You are right about it? I knew that already? I could guess?" always wondered...

I think I could give you a run for your money!
ok, let's call it a tie for now;D we'll see :P

The Doctor with TWO of my favourite companions.
Yep, that's my favourite Team TARDIS,too, I'm always glad to see a new fic with these three :))

Not to mention all the great episodes.
well, there some cracky ones,too :D and Sontarans are boring :D


lorelaisquared August 2 2009, 19:03:51 UTC
I just think that it would occur to him that someone else is lurking in the TARDIS, not usually a place where you could end up without invitation :D True - you make a very good point. Hmmm I will have to fix that at some point perhaps...

I don't think that he is unable to say the words, I do even believe he wanted to, but he didn't let himself do it to give Ten2 the chance to say them. I also think that he knew that if he said them he probably wouldn't have been able to leave her. I'm sure it broke his heart. He just got her back and he had to leave her in the parallel world again. To let himself say the words would make what he was doing more real and he was obviously distancing himself because he knew he wouldn't have the strength otherwise. What makes it even sadder is that he must have known at that point what was going to happen to Donna. So he knew he was losing both of them (well, really the three of them since he lost the chance to interact with "himself" as well). It's really tragic when you look at it from his perspective. *is teary*

especially since reply "Quite right,too" was some kind of joke I don't get, I really thought that it was the same as "Me,too" I always interpreted it as "Quite right to" as in - she was quite right to love him - like he knew she couldn't help it and he fully expected it, and who wouldn't love him LOL. It fits since the Doctor is a fairly non-humble person to begin with. Anyway, that's how I took it if that helps.

ok, let's call it a tie for now;D we'll see :P Okay, Deal!:)

well, there some cracky ones,too :D and Sontarans are boring :D Well yes, and the Sontaran's ARE boring. If I do this S4 rewrite I may have to take some liberties! LOL and maybe do a few of the inbetween adventures instead of just rewriting every episode... although I'll do some of that too... huh... maybe this is a bigger task than I thought... OOOOOOH The idea of Rose in "The Doctor's Daughter" though is major win. *squee*.


teruel_a_witch August 3 2009, 22:02:26 UTC
"I just think that it would occur to him that someone else is lurking in the TARDIS, not usually a place where you could end up without invitation :D True - you make a very good point. Hmmm I will have to fix that at some point perhaps... "
*facepalm* I missed one little word "not", and all the meaning is vice versa, I really meant "would not occure to him" and that you were right to make him think it's Donna *g*
I also think that he knew that if he said them he probably wouldn't have been able to leave her.
if he had said the words she would've kissed him and he would've never got the opportunity to escape while she's busy ;) she SO would fight to get back in the TARDIS, only a distraction could help ;D but I WANTED her to kiss him FIRST *rrr*

It's really tragic when you look at it from his perspective.
it's tragic from all perspectives, but what pisses me off is that he didn't consult with anyone, just decide all for others, he didn't let Rose say proper Goodbye to Mickey, Jack, all of them, really, because they surely all were going to meet again and he took it from them. That's what I hate about him, he never askes what others want, he just assumes, I'm sure the Doctor as a human wasn't "all Rose ever wanted", like some people like to say, she loves The Doctor, and the Doctor isn't human, he's an alien and she loves him like that, but she also loves the life they led and was desperate to get back to it,too, and she ends up grounded, again, that just makes me angry, The Doctor and Rose aren't "picket fence"-kind of couple, they are running and adventurous and it's really a shame to waste it. I hope they'll grow their TARDIS soom from that piece of coral and will be travelling again.

like he knew she couldn't help it and he fully expected it, and who wouldn't love him
well, I though about it,too, but there surely was "too" in the script, not "to". and I've seen these words in fanfiction, sometimes Rose says it in retaliation when he says his words*g* I recon it was Doctor's attempt at a joke (very poorly one) because most of the shippers were angry at him for this *g* It may be something like "You are impressive. - Why, yes, I know" :D

and maybe do a few of the inbetween adventures instead of just rewriting every episode...
that would be AWESOME *grins*

The idea of Rose in "The Doctor's Daughter" though is major win.
it SO is, I found, like, one fic where Rose met Jenny *needs MOAR Rose/Jenny interaction*


lorelaisquared August 8 2009, 01:09:24 UTC
*facepalm* I missed one little word "not", and all the meaning is vice versa, I really meant "would not occure to him" and that you were right to make him think it's Donna *g* Oh, lol thank you, that makes more sense.

if he had said the words she would've kissed him and he would've never got the opportunity to escape while she's busy ;) Very true. By kissing his double, he was able to slip away without saying Goodbye - which we all know he is so fond of doing *grrrrrrr*

she SO would fight to get back in the TARDIS, Oh yeah. Rose wouldn't have let him leave without at least saying goodbye. I think he might have been able to convince her to stay in the end but it would have taken some time on his part to do it and the longer he stayed the harder it would have been to leave.

but I WANTED her to kiss him FIRST *rrr* Me too. They never got to have a real kiss. The only two times they kissed she wasn't herself - the first time she was Bad Wolf and the second she was Cassandra. I really wish that somewhere along the way we'd been able to see them have a proper kiss. Maybe not there on the beach, for the reasons we've already discussed, but earlier - like right after the regeneration or something... hmmm actually, that has some fic potential - it's probably already been done though.

it's tragic from all perspectives it really, really is.

That's what I hate about him, he never askes what others want, he just assumes It's true. That bothers me too, that he didn't give her a choice. He's constantly giving his enemies choices - other options beyond him destorying him (and to his own detriment in many cases) but when it comes to those he's closest to he doesn't give them a choice. It's frustrating. And I can only imagine how pissed Rose would have been at him for that.

she loves The Doctor, and the Doctor isn't human, he's an alien and she loves him like that, but she also loves the life they led and was desperate to get back to it,too, and she ends up grounded Exactly. His lack of humanness is one of the things she loves about him. I think it always bothered him more than it bothered her. Maybe because he knew what it would be like to watch her age and eventually die and maybe he knew he couldn't bear it. But when Rose says she wants to travel with him forever, I believe she means it, and I do believe she also understands what that will mean for her one day. But it's the life that she's chosen and she wants him to have her love in his life for as long as possible. Having a "normal" life and settling down wasn't her dream - it was his. (I'm thinking in terms of what we see from him in Father's Day or Family of Blood.)

I hope they'll grow their TARDIS soom from that piece of coral and will be travelling again. I really hope so too. It would ease the Doctor's abandonment of them a little.

well, I though about it,too, but there surely was "too" in the script, not "to". and I've seen these words in fanfiction, sometimes Rose says it in retaliation when he says his words*g* I don't know. Even with the "too" I still interpret it as him saying that it's understandable that she would love him. I guess I never really thought about it that hard before. LOL

and maybe do a few of the inbetween adventures instead of just rewriting every episode...
that would be AWESOME *grins* Hee. Okay, I'll see what I can do.

it SO is, I found, like, one fic where Rose met Jenny *needs MOAR Rose/Jenny interaction*
Oh, me too, believe me. I adore Jenny and I still hope she comes back one day. She's high on my list of characters that I'd like to see return. I want to know what she did after she took off in that rocket. That was one of my favourite eps of S4.


teruel_a_witch August 11 2009, 00:07:03 UTC
They never got to have a real kiss. The only two times they kissed she wasn't herself - the first time she was Bad Wolf and the second she was Cassandra.
Yup, that's what bothers me the most, yup, I know I'm shallow but KISS IS A MUST for characters, and don't use that "It's children show" on me, BBC, if Madam de Pompawhore is allowed to use her tongue then ROSE GETS A LEAVE FOR THAT TOO, DAMMIT.
Also, in the book "Stone Rose" The Doctor kisses her after she saves him, books are kind of semi-canon but THIS I DECLARE CANON. (I should probably finish listening it, never got to find the kiss-part, just know that there is one, maybe it was abridged from audio-book, so I probably should read it...)
Maybe not there on the beach, for the reasons we've already discussed, but earlier - like right after the regeneration or something... hmmm actually, that has some fic potential - it's probably already been done though.
Multiple times, and not only with kissing *grins* but that should never stop you, it's such a proliFIC theme ;DD
His lack of humanness is one of the things she loves about him.
It's one of the thing I love about him,too *grins* I can never get over squeeing that he has two hearts, because it's just so unique and so him, NO ONE I'VE EVER READ ABOUT OR SEEN HAD TWO HEARTS, WHY SHOULD WE GIVE UP ON THAT? just imagine double heartbeat under your ear when you lay your head on his chest *melts in a puddle of goo* and I also adore the telepathy-thing (and mind-sex *ggg* hope Ten2 still possess this ability, telepathy comes from brain,after all, and his brain IS NOT HUMAN and his body is only HALF-human(It is canon)) and all this superior biology, the resistance to alchohol(I adore that just because I don't drink myself and have no reason to want to read sloshed Doctor to humour myself *ggg* it is still funny,though, but such a loss of dignity for him;D), why should I want to add him flaws of human body,eh? I have another pairings if I want humans thank you very much :P Phew, much better when out of my system :DD
Maybe because he knew what it would be like to watch her age and eventually die and maybe he knew he couldn't bear it.
But that's the thing, he doesn't know what it's like, he is SCARED to watch her wither before his eyes, when she's out there somewhere he always can pretend that she is alive, his avoidance tactics in action, as usual, stupid man, it's just cowardly of him *smacks silly Doctor and then pets him a bit*
But it's the life that she's chosen and she wants him to have her love in his life for as long as possible.
Basically all Rose ever wanted was for the Doctor not to be alone, she wanted to be the one who takes away his loneliness, of course, but still she understood that she can't always be by his side, and now he is, and Rose could never be properly happy knowing that he wasn't. that's the tragedy of it all... (that's why Ten2=Fourteen :P)
Having a "normal" life and settling down wasn't her dream - it was his.
It definitely was, on some extent, but I'm sure had he to live that for quite a while he would go mad grounded to one place, miss travelling, he secretly wanted what humans call "normal life" when he knew he couldn't have it, but seriously, who wants normal when The Doctor is around? ;D and his normal is not human normal, it's adventure and "on the run" and it's so much better that way :D


MWAH, the comment was so big I had to divide it xD teruel_a_witch August 11 2009, 00:10:07 UTC
Even with the "too" I still interpret it as him saying that it's understandable that she would love him. I guess I never really thought about it that hard before.
and you call yourself a nerd? ;D well, I was thinking really HARD about it because I heard two different translations from DVD and from TV and that got me thinking. On the DVD it was translated like "Me,too" and on TV "This is right" and I'm always partial to translation and prone to obsess over it *grins* I didn't hear his "too" at first because he practically swallows it, so I was thinking about the TV version and then I read the script and apparently because it was wishful thinking started to believe it's the same as "Me,too" in some way and then I've read that shippers were angry at him because he tried to insert kind of a joke in such a moment and I remember being a bit crashed and angry at Ten for days *ggg* because before that when I believed that he said some kind of "Me,too" I was content because I'm not that picky about words(I don't say them myself) and "Me,too" is recognition enough for me, and when I knew that he didn't mean even that I was disappointed and a bit furious *shakes head( Yup, that's me, obsessing over such a little thing, what a Ms Geekety Geek from Geektown Geekania I am :P

I adore Jenny and I still hope she comes back one day. She's high on my list of characters that I'd like to see return.
hehe, it would be fun to see her with baby Eleven *ggg* but very unlikely, I'm afraid Moffat will hardly use characters from RTD's era even written not by RTD, he said about completely re-booting series after all...


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