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Comments 14

seldonp38 December 3 2012, 05:12:07 UTC
Somehow I think she's going to be the one to ultimately defeat Cora if it comes down to it.

I hope not. I think this would be taking the "Emma is the savior" role just a bit too far. I'm getting tired of the squeaky clean portrayal of the Charmings. Yes, they have the occasional doubts. But unless I see signs of true darkness within them, I cannot help but view them as less than well rounded characters. The writers need to light some kind of fire under them and make them more interesting. And I'm getting tired of Henry proclaiming that "Evil always wins."

Both Regina and Rumpelstiltskin are more interesting to me, because they are more complex.


lorelaisquared December 3 2012, 13:05:29 UTC
I'm still hoping that it'll end up being Regina who defeats her but I'm starting to think she may end up needing Emma's help. Maybe they'll work together. I could live with that.

I don't think the Charmings are "Squeaky clean". They've all done some questionable things along the way here. But they aren't evil characters so I don't think we'll ever see true darkness within them. I don't think you need to be dark to be well rounded. I do however thing that there's still a lot to learn about these characters. But, they are supposed to be the "good guys" and we are dealing with fairy tales so good winning in the end seems to be the inevitable outcome.

Both Regina and Rumpel *ARE* interesting and do have complexity but I don't think it's just because they're evil. It's because we've seen a lot of layers to their backstory, we've seen where they've come from, what they've overcome, what they've lost. The more we learn about the characters, the more interesting they become.


tony_roxy December 3 2012, 14:08:08 UTC
"~ Regina loves her mother so much she sees it as her ultimate weakness. I find that incredibly interesting and that was a bit unexpected. I thought it was her fear and her thirst for vengence for Daniel's death driving her ( ... )


rpowell December 3 2012, 16:24:00 UTC
Gold's nasty response to Regina's successful attempt at breaking his spell never made sense to me. One would think he would be relieved that it was Snow and Emma who appeared and not Cora. Instead, he made a nasty dig at Regina and twisted the knife in for effect. Why?


lorelaisquared December 3 2012, 20:51:37 UTC
It does make sense that Regina loves her mother, I just hadn't realized the depths of that or how much that was potentially motivating her. I would love to see her turn it from "her greatest weakness" to her "Greatest strength though"

I think it should be Regina. I don't think that they should make it a revenge thing, but maybe something like her protecting Henry. To me it would be poetic. Since Cora taught her that love is a weakness and Regina would essentially being showing her that it isn't, because we know how much love Regina has for Henry. That would be pretty amazing actually.

Watching that span out made me think back to him teaching her to take a heart from the unicorn/horse (I can't remember which was the first one where she failed to take it). it was in 2x05 The Doctor and yes it is very much like that. He's testing her and pushing her towards magic again. The question is why. He never does anything without a greater reason.

No worries about length. I love to have discussion about this stuff.


noybusiness December 4 2012, 01:58:54 UTC
It was a unicorn.


noybusiness December 3 2012, 19:59:01 UTC
I don't think it's occurred to Gold yet to ask Emma to find Bae for him, but I'll be surprised if that's not the favor he eventually asks of her.


lorelaisquared December 3 2012, 20:52:28 UTC
Yeah me too. Even if that's not exactly what he asks I'm positive the favour will end up having something to do with Bae.


chloris December 4 2012, 19:43:11 UTC
Gold has all the missing magic wands (hardly a surprise)

Does he though? I thought those were the wands of fairies he has killed. He does mention that no one missed the previous owner of the wand he used.

How many sides has Hook been on now?

Heh. I think it helped to remember he is ALWAYS on the same side - his. Which of course makes he heartfelt declaration that would NEVER have double crossed Emma so very funny.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for the princess saving the prince!

Me too! And I love that Aurora and Mulan are going to go on a quest to save Phillip. That is awesome.

But particularly her crisis of faith in herself and the way she pinned everything on Gold at first but throughout the episode came to realize that she's a force to be reckoned with on her own.It was good to see Emma wrestle with her place in the world and still have doubts. It would unbelievable if she immediately went from hard and closed off and unable to believe in her destiny to completely confident. And I loved her conversation with Gold at the end ( ... )


lorelaisquared December 4 2012, 23:20:04 UTC
Does he though? I thought those were the wands of fairies he has killed. He does mention that no one missed the previous owner of the wand he used. That's possible, but when he talked to Emma near the end of the episode, he put the wand he used to cast the spell in a box that contained a whole bunch of other wands so I assumed they were the rest of them since almost every magical item of import seems to have come to him during the curse. The only fairy we know for sure he killed is Cinderella's Godmother and I assumed that was the wand he used ( ... )


chloris December 6 2012, 02:49:54 UTC
I didn't notice that he had a bunch of wands. I thought it was just few and that would square with them being ones from fairies he killed. (I do think he killed more than one over the years.) However, Blue did mention that she didn't have her wand and Rumpel is certainly the obvious choice.

Hook is a bit like Rumpel in that way. You're fine so long as his interests align with yours but look out if they don't.

I'm really adoring Emma's story arc this season! Last season she stuck in one place for much of the year since they couldn't have her believe until the end. But this year she can grow and change in interesting ways. And Gold is certainly going to manipulate her but I don't see it as being anything like what he did to Regina - more like what he does to everyone.


lorelaisquared December 7 2012, 22:36:46 UTC
I saw at least 5 or 6 in the box he put that one away in. And I do agree he probably killed more than one over the years, but still it would make sense to me that he'd have all the wands if he can. Especially given his rivalry with the fairies - he wouldn't want them to have any magic if he could help it.

That describes Hook and Rumpel to a t!

I love Emma's arch right now so much. Partly because I relate to a degree (I met my dad and my sisters once I was an adult) and partly because I love that it's adding more dimension to her character. Also there's lots of Character development potential there and we're starting to see some of that and I'm a sucker for stuff like that.

I think Gold is going to try to use her to his advantage whenever he can but I don't think he feels any ownership of Emma the way he seemed to with Regina. His relationship with Regina is far more complex.


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