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tony_roxy December 3 2012, 14:08:08 UTC
"~ Regina loves her mother so much she sees it as her ultimate weakness. I find that incredibly interesting and that was a bit unexpected. I thought it was her fear and her thirst for vengence for Daniel's death driving her."

Though it's hard for some to understand how Regina could still love her mother after all that she did to ruin her life, I come back to the same thought every time...
If Regina didn't/doesn't love her mother, why would she go through so much trouble just to (make her happy?) please her?

"Somehow I think she's going to be the one to ultimately defeat Cora if it comes down to it. "

I think it should be Regina. I don't think that they should make it a revenge thing, but maybe something like her protecting Henry. To me it would be poetic. Since Cora taught her that love is a weakness and Regina would essentially being showing her that it isn't, because we know how much love Regina has for Henry.

"ETA: It just occurred to me that Gold actually had no legitimate reason for why he needed Regina there to try and block Cora. HE was the one who put all the diamond/fairy dust in the wand HE had. HE was the one who actually performed the spell. Regina just... stood there? Obviously the writers needed her there to stop it in the end so that's why she was there but it strikes me as odd that Gold was so insistent she join him and then he didn't have her do anything. "

To me, it was almost like he was using that whole situation to test her. Watching that span out made me think back to him teaching her to take a heart from the unicorn/horse (I can't remember which was the first one where she failed to take it).

Also, sorry this is so long of a comment post. Sometimes I just can't help myself :)


rpowell December 3 2012, 16:24:00 UTC
Gold's nasty response to Regina's successful attempt at breaking his spell never made sense to me. One would think he would be relieved that it was Snow and Emma who appeared and not Cora. Instead, he made a nasty dig at Regina and twisted the knife in for effect. Why?


lorelaisquared December 3 2012, 20:51:37 UTC
It does make sense that Regina loves her mother, I just hadn't realized the depths of that or how much that was potentially motivating her. I would love to see her turn it from "her greatest weakness" to her "Greatest strength though"

I think it should be Regina. I don't think that they should make it a revenge thing, but maybe something like her protecting Henry. To me it would be poetic. Since Cora taught her that love is a weakness and Regina would essentially being showing her that it isn't, because we know how much love Regina has for Henry. That would be pretty amazing actually.

Watching that span out made me think back to him teaching her to take a heart from the unicorn/horse (I can't remember which was the first one where she failed to take it). it was in 2x05 The Doctor and yes it is very much like that. He's testing her and pushing her towards magic again. The question is why. He never does anything without a greater reason.

No worries about length. I love to have discussion about this stuff.


noybusiness December 4 2012, 01:58:54 UTC
It was a unicorn.


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