The truth about Diversity and White Genocide.

Jun 02, 2016 20:45

So today we have a racial catastrophe in US and Europe, and the Jews with their puppet politicians are pumping their lies and filth into all of us every day.

“... this will arguably be the third great revolution of America, if we can prove that we literally can live without having a dominant European culture.” -Bill Clinton, US President 1992 to 2000

Diversity is their code word for White genocide" and "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White” and other popular animations. The entire political establishment is leftist and anti-White because a unified White people are the only force standing in the way of the Globalist and zionist agenda.

There are five principal causes of white extinction. I am sure that other factors could be added to this list, but if just these five problems were addressed, I would no longer fear for the future of our race.

An ethic of hedonism, individualism, and selfishness that denigrates reproduction and family life;

Feminism, which encourages women to pursue careers instead of making family life their primary occupation;

The widespread use of birth control and abortion to decouple sex from pregnancy and pregnancy from child-rearing;

The rising costs of family formation, chiefly caused by racial integration-which is the driving force behind suburbanization and ex-urbanization in order to find safe spaces for whites to raise families-and by non-white immigration and offshoring industry, which lower wages for whites;

Miscegenation, in which individuals reproduce their own genes but not their race by mixing with another race.

These factors are not blind forces of nature, like an asteroid colliding with earth. They were all created by human beings. Some of them, like feminism, birth control pills, legalized abortion, and overturning racial segregation, immigration restrictions, and bans on miscegenation are quite recent. They were hatched in the minds of intellectuals, artists, scientists, politicians, educators, and advertisers. They were made real by changing people’s beliefs and values, and by altering the laws and institutions that govern us.

But all of these things could be changed. People could be taught to value family life over selfishness, hedonism, and careerism; feminism could be discouraged; access to birth control and abortion could be restricted; laws could be changed to make family formation affordable; racial separation, immigration restriction, and economic nationalism could become policy again; miscegenation could be outlawed. Indeed, White Nationalists support just such policies to halt white extinction.

But to establish the white genocide thesis, we must show that white extinction is the intended result of the policies we oppose. The first three causes of white extinction are simply products of the pursuit of individual freedom. The last two are products of individual freedom and racial egalitarianism. So isn’t it possible that white extinction is just the unintended consequence of individualism and racial egalitarianism?

Of course it is possible, and in many cases, it is true. The majority of people who advocate individualism and racial egalitarianism are simply unaware that these values are promoting the ongoing extinction of the white race. Our job is to inform them.

Didn’t you know that Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White? The focus of those that claim to be opposed to racism is always on White people who are the least racial, though the other races are fervently racist.

It is no longer controversial that Jews are massively overrepresented among Western elites in politics, the media, business, academia, and the professions. Jews are, moreover, among the principal promoters of trends conducive to white genocide, for example: non-white immigration, racial integration, miscegenation, feminism, and sexual liberation. Thus Jews support the existence of a Jewish state, Israel, as a refuge from genocide. Yet they oppose any attempt to preserve white homelands for white peoples. Israel is for Jews, but Poland, Sweden, Germany, France, and so forth are for everyone. Jews see intermarriage as a threat to Jewish survival, but they promote miscegenation for other groups and oppose anyone who would ban it. Jews recognize that a strong sense of Jewish identity, including pride in their history and achievements, is necessary for Jewish survival, but they promote multiculturalism and white guilt for the rest of us.

They aren’t just being “inconsistent” about principles. They are being perfectly consistent with their real principle of collective self-interest. They are not upholding “double standards,” because their single standard is collective self-interest. These Jews have a live and let die philosophy. They seek to profit from our destruction as a people, and they not only promote our decline but actively suppress our resistance to it.

Some jews openly advocate the white genocide, like Noel Ignatiev, a Jewish Harvard Ph.D. and the editor of the journal Race Traitor (subtitled Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity), speak of “deconstructing” the “concept” of whiteness, which sounds like a harmless language game until you grasp that they think race just is a social construct.

The decision by US political establishment has already been made: We aren’t going to ask the American people what they think about immigration. We’re just going to do this because we think we’re right, and at a certain point it will be impossible to reverse, because Republicans will never be able to win another national election.

Until Trump started talking about immigration, most Americans had no idea that immigrants take more government assistance than natives, that we are allowing nearly half a million anchor babies a year to force their way into citizenship and a lifetime of welfare, and that we’re bringing in rapists, murderers and terrorists.

Once the Democrats and leftist get the voters they want through immigration, they will be like kids in a candy store. What will they do first? Ban private ownership of guns. Strip Christian churches of their tax exemptions for being “homophobic“. Release black criminals from prison and shut down most of the police departments. All the debates we have now on talk radio and cable news will be completely irrelevant. The most left-wing policies imaginable will be enacted, with no opposition-as they are today in California.

In the US this is a MAJOR problem because Whites are forced to pay for these Black Hard-Wired mating patterns. It's unsustainable. If blacks are not shipped back to Africa and allowed by Whites to build their own African societies to determine their own destinies, America, the free world and Western civilization will be destroyed.

Europe is a good example to multicultural apocalypse. In Denmark, in ONE year, 29% of asylum seekers commit a crime. 34.5% of rapes are committed by muslims, despite being 4% of the population. After 3 years, 87% of Syrians are unemployed. 28% of prison inmates are muslim. 9 groups are more criminal than the average. 8 of them are muslim.

Even corrected for socio-economics. So in reality it is much worse. Overall more than half of all non-western immigrants are on welfare. Even counting those who have been here for decades. Somalis have an unemployoment rate of over 80%.

Another example is Sveden. In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.

If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.

Sweden is now number two on the global list of rape countries. According to a survey from 2010, Sweden, with 53.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants, is surpassed only by tiny Lesotho in Southern Africa, with 91.6 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants.

zionism, zion, jews, europe, truth about diversity and white genocide

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