Jews saw White nations as a danger to them, because many European nations and peoples in the past had eventually tired of their behavior and their depredations and had expelled or placed restrictions on them. This they called “persecution.” If Jews were correctly perceived by their hosts as a different race or people or nation - the Jews thought - then, when hard times hit, “persecution” might start.
The Jewish supremacists didn’t show up in our societies and start slitting throats. Nor did they show up in our societies and immediately begin declaring that our nations had to become multiracial immediately, and that we had to open our borders to the Third World.
Also, they didn’t try to change our society overnight with threats and demands. No, the Jewish supremacists decided on a far more intelligent approach to the White Problem. They became experts at giving us what we want and what we like.
We like sex, so they became sexologists who told us that our old sexual mores were no good and we needed to loosen up and listen to the experts - them, of course. And they became the publishers and promoters of sex literature and pornography. And their “experts” and their literature spoke with one voice: “If it feels good, do it.” Sex with members of other races was fine if it made you feel good. Sex with members of the same sex was fine, too. So was childlessness carried to the point of a negative White birth rate. So was terminating healthy White children in the womb. That last, in fact, was much more than “fine” - it became something of an “inviolable right,” according to experts anyway.
What wasn’t fine was being “uptight” and opposing the new “consensus” generated by the Jewish “experts” and media men. And so, a situation was created - not exclusively by Jewish supremacists, though they took the leading role in it - in which sex ceased being a sacred thing of high value, linked to one of the highest values: love between a man and a woman. Instead, it became a common thing, a thing of little value. It was everywhere - but what had it become?
Its natural purpose for us - the birth of more White children into loving families - was more and more thwarted. And the sex instinct was channeled into ever more bizarre and perverted channels: empty adultery, homosexuality, pedophilia, masochism, sadism, and more. How many millions of our people were never born because of these changes? White birth rates everywhere are below replacement levels. The loss of those millions of souls is little different, in the end, from the deaths of millions of our people. The Jewish supremacists pretended to give us what we wanted - plenty of sex - but there was a sharp blade beneath the deceptive lure. And it’s killing us.
White people generally are soft-hearted and kind. We like to be fair. We hate to be cruel. We admire compassion. We sympathize with others, even others who are not of our people. These selfless tendencies have been used against us.
The Jewish supremacists didn’t, in the beginning, issue manifestos declaring White Americans to be nasty “racists” and demanding that we alter our whole societal structure to accommodate non-Whites. They didn’t start out by insisting that we invite millions of non-Whites into our nations as “equals.”
No. They worked to soften us up first. And they did that by giving us more of what we wanted. We wanted to be told stories. We wanted to be entertained. They worked hard and stuck together and gained control of the major publishing houses and newspapers in this country. They came to dominate Hollywood and radio and television. They gave us stories. They hired the best writers and photographers and directors and the most attractive White actresses and actors. They entertained us better than we’d ever been entertained before.
And now we’re reaping the whirlwind of our stupid capitulation to the Jewish supremacist / multiracialist agenda a few decades ago. The “multiracial harmony” we were supposed to be experiencing has been blasted into the aether by Black and Mestizo crime and violence; by organized non-White groups that almost always get what they want - and they want our land, our money, our women, and our necks; and by organized Jews who have leveraged the chaos they created - and our pathetic disarray - into near-absolute power over our nation’s policies, our military, and our finances.