OTO is Agape!

Dec 07, 2005 17:55

Seeing how it has been a running trend I thought I would make one as well.

The banner:

OTO is agape.

The code:

http://www.apolo.net/images/OIA/OIA.jpg" border="0" alt="OTO is Agape" />
http://lordandrei.livejournal.com/407946.html">OTO is agape.

The symbols:

Red - OTO Lamen
Orange - Rose Cross
Yellow - Liber Oz
Green - Stele of Revealing
Blue - Star of Babalon
Purple - Tree of Life

Please feel free to use this on your LJ or anywhere else for that matter. If you do, I please ask you to leave your comments here. Thanks.

agape, meme, art, love

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