Gift Art post 1

Dec 31, 2007 01:36

OK - so HE had an Xmas exchange and I set myself the challenge of giving as many people a gift as possible, I managed 42/50 in the end - though now I'm wishing I'd come up with ideas for the last few people. Anyway, the gifts included a little pile of art and as I'm pretty certain no-one is going to mind me posting their gift art here, I thought I'd better get started. Just a few today, as I should really be sleeping.


A little Snape/Lupin art - it's a pairing I'm really fond of and I managed to get around my complete inability to draw Snape by only showing him in profile ;)


A picture of the Black brothers posing for a formal photograph - Regulus has come out a bit funny looking. Sirius is terribly moody and bored of course. ;)


A matching picture to the one above, but of the Black sisters this time. Andromeda is showing off for Sirius to prove that she's not really prim or proper. I'm not sure about Bellatrix with this one (there's always one) as she looks a bit bland, for how I imagine her.


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