Title: Run
Series: Silence and Safety *18/21*
loozy Characters: Nikki
Rating: PG- 13/ K
Summary: The music gets her off her rhythm, her breathing hitches, the flow is lost.
Word Count: 180
Spoilers: after 5x21, Disturbed
Notes: I gave Nikki a shot... Let’s see how it worked out...
Prompt: # 155 Therapy
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fic. Numb3rs and everybody associated with it belong to Cheryl Heuton & Nick Fallucci and CBS.
Feedback: Yes, please. I love every kind of review, even the bad ones, as long as they are helpful and constructive.
She runs.
Every morning she goes out and does three rounds around the four blocks surrounding her own block. It helps her, better than anything else, to clear her mind, chase away the cobwebs. The combination of losing built- up tension from the night *she is not a good sleeper, tossing and turning* and pheromones elates her, boosts her so that she can face each day anew with the same attitude.
Only, in the last couple of weeks, her run has served her better to push away the left- over anxiety that still ties up her stomach in knots. She finds it hard to empty the mind and just let the reassuring pounding of her feet on the pavement take over. The music
on her mp3- player does not relent, instead haunting her, when lyrics all of a sudden have a hidden meaning that she was unaware of before.
The music gets her off her rhythm, her breathing hitches, the flow is lost.
She has to stop, and the thoughts take over again.
She keeps forgetting to change the music.