(no subject)

Apr 30, 2009 22:58

I, uh, absolutely required schmoop.

I do not apologize for this.

Also, to everyone who's said hi in the lurker post, I definitely want to respond, but I was cleaning and then watching Bones and then watching Supernatural and then doing this, so--sometime soon! I hope. But it is awesome to hear from everyone ♥

And As For Some Happy Ending
593 words, follows other bodyswap fics

Jared wakes up curled around Jensen.

He blinks, because that's Jensen he's holding, real Jensen, in his own body, his hair spiky up Jared's own nose, his body firm under Jared's own hands.

Jared wants to do too many things at once. He figured he'd pretty much jump Jensen immediately, because--Jensen. He's been wanting to jump Jensen for fucking ever, but somehow, he just wants to look for a while.

He's seen Jensen in passes the last week, glimpses in the mirror, but he hasn't really looked at him since the whole love confession thing happened.

The thing is, Jensen Ackles is ridiculously good-looking. And he looks so happy, all curled up against Jared, although Jared realizes that most of the expression is actually his; he can see it in the tilt of his mouth, already knows that's not exactly how Jensen would be left to his own devices.

His right hand is spread wide and low on Jensen's stomach, and his fingers flex over the skin there without his quite realizing it. The feel of it is familiar--Jared's been brushing over parts of Jensen all week, has dressed him and showered and jerked him off, but this time he can only feel Jensen against his fingers, can't feel himself pushing back against the touch.

Jensen stirs a little, cuddles back against Jared. Jared leans down to press a kiss next to his ear, a place he's never touched before.

Jensen's eyes blink open slowly, and Jared wraps his hand over Jensen's, smiles.

"Mornin'," he says.

Jensen turns around. "Hey," he says, face brightening. "I know you."

Jared laughs and pulls him closer. "Yeah, hi."

"God, it's nice to be normal-sized again. How do you find clothes?"

"Shut up," says Jared.

Jensen turns around in his arms so they're facing each other. Jared's absent turned on, too busy being happy for it to really be pressing. Instead, he leans down and kisses Jensen.

Jensen smiles against his lips, and he thinks that he's supposed to be most interested in Jensen's dick right now, but Jared likes kissing, and he wants to know what this is like.

He runs his tongue across Jensen's lips, and Jensen opens up slowly, casually, like they have forever to make out, and maybe they do. They have a long time, anyway. Jared maps out Jensen's mouth, a familiar territory, but not in a bad way. Possibly in the best way ever.

Jensen repositions so their legs are tangled, and he ruts lazily against Jared, getting off as something secondary to just making out. Jared smiles, thrusts back, and licks as deep into Jensen's mouth as he can go.

"Missed your stupid face," he murmurs into Jensen's mouth.

"Mmm," says Jensen, "your stupid face."

Jared laughs. "Wonder what happened."

"Magical soul jizz," says Jensen. "Clearly."

"Love you," Jared says, even though he knows he doesn't have to, because Jensen knows. It seems important to say to Jensen's face, to say in his own voice. Even though he knows he'll be saying it again, a lot more.

Jensen kisses him for a long time after that, but when he finally pulls away, he murmurs, "Me too," and settles back to sleep against Jared's chest.

They're kind of sticky, and gross, and Jared isn't that tired, but he goes to sleep next to Jensen without hesitation, arms wrapping firmly around him, liking the way they fit together, no matter who's where.

But he really does like being the big spoon.

rps, bodyswitching, j2, au

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