"You ever get the feeling Adam Lambert just knows you?" Jared asks.
Jensen raises his eyebrows. "I'm not delusional," he points out. "So, no, that's never really been a thing of mine."
Jared throws a crouton at him. He's doing a new healthy eating at lunch thing, which doesn't even make sense to Jensen, because Jared is an amazing athlete and in great shape. But Jared is often kind of, well, weird. "Shut up. You know what I mean
( ... )
Jensen raises his eyebrows. "I'm not delusional," he points out. "So, no, that's never really been a thing of mine."
Jared throws a crouton at him. He's doing a new healthy eating at lunch thing, which doesn't even make sense to Jensen, because Jared is an amazing athlete and in great shape. But Jared is often kind of, well, weird. "Shut up. You know what I mean ( ... )
And, Jared honey, I'm not sure that Jensen's the only idiot round here.
Adam Lambert totally gets you, Jaredhoney...
You did such a good job with their voices!
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