Yesterday I took the afternoon off so that I could go with Adrian to the RHS London Plant and Design Show at the Horticultural Halls near Victoria. It was free entry to members and guests (thank you Ricardo!!)
Good luck with the Belle Tower. I love to see them filled with climbers. I have used a number of similar pillars as foundations for climbing ivy but have yet to try sweet peas. Given that we have so little light in our garden, one might work if I could place it in a patch of sun. Thanks for the idea.
What an amazing Hall. Were the bulbs "forced" into early flowering? It's still too early yet isn't it. Quite a relevant post for me as today I purchased quite a few bulbs - Gladiolis, iris & fresia. I have never dabbled with bulbs before and I hope they will be ok this far south... I am with Adrien on the scent of Hiacinths - very heddy indeed.
Yes the chef looks handsome but I was taken more by your tapioca pudding desserts! I really need to get back to London soon.
Oh yes, the tulips especially have been forced. I wonder how they do it, whether they put them in fridges in the summer and then in temperate rooms in winter to trick their biological clock. Your purchases sound lovely and I'm sure that they'll all do very well.
Comments 8
Or better known as Adrian's cage.... when he is in "time out":) LOL!
I am with Adrien on the scent of Hiacinths - very heddy indeed.
Yes the chef looks handsome but I was taken more by your tapioca pudding desserts! I really need to get back to London soon.
Your purchases sound lovely and I'm sure that they'll all do very well.
Yes you should come to London!
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