Yesterday I took the afternoon off so that I could go with Adrian to the RHS London Plant and Design Show at the Horticultural Halls near Victoria. It was free entry to members and guests (thank you Ricardo!!)
Amazingly we came away without any flowers, but not empty handed. We bought this wire frame, a 'belle tower' for the sweet peas.
We carried it home with us on the train (luckily it wasn't rush hour yet) and then went out again as we had booked tickets to go and see 'Les Miserables' at a cinema on King's Road.
We both loved the film, even though it took me a while to get comfortable with the non-stop singing. I made Adrian laugh when he heard my verdict on the movie: "it's just like an opera, with bad singing"!
Then we went to the nearby Stockpot for a £9.95 3-course dinner! The chef in the kitchen would have been appreciated by a number of my LJ friends, I'm sure
The train home was absolutely packed. I think that the previous one had been cancelled. At least we were warm as the wind was and is bitterly cold.