well, that was fun...

Feb 24, 2011 18:12


The MRI has been done... finally.  Turned out to be a miscommunication between the insurance company and the MRI place.  That I got straightened out.  Oy Vey.

MRIs don't bother me provided I have headphones or ear plugs, in fact I can pretty much just doze off during them.  However, today embodied one of the more painful experiences in my life ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

wishfulaces February 24 2011, 23:20:43 UTC
Oh crap, that sounds painful. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hope it'll be worth it in the end and that, yes, it'll be a minor problem.


morriganangelus February 25 2011, 00:48:09 UTC
Ouch. D: I hope that it ends up being something minor.

My sister had an MRI done on her gallbladder today. She was in there for 2 hours! She had her ipod with her and said she very nearly fell asleep, that is until they shot her up with something that made her gallbladder constrict. :( She said it was so painful that she nearly cried. :(


dawnebeth February 25 2011, 16:38:39 UTC
So sorry to hear what a painful experience you had. But maybe the doctors will know more and can give you some relief.


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