well, that was fun...

Feb 24, 2011 18:12


The MRI has been done... finally.  Turned out to be a miscommunication between the insurance company and the MRI place.  That I got straightened out.  Oy Vey.

MRIs don't bother me provided I have headphones or ear plugs, in fact I can pretty much just doze off during them.  However, today embodied one of the more painful experiences in my life.  They had to force my arm straight and strap it in place for the duration.  I haven't been able to straighten my arm in weeks and those 30 minutes were some of the longest in my life pain-wise.  When they finally turned me loose, I had tears in my eyes and the damn arm was locked straight.  Took ten minutes to convince it to bend.  And, yes, it now hurts even worse.

I'm praying for something minor and easy to fix, but suspect I'm gonna be out of work for weeks instead.  Anyone looking to hire an all-purpose general office person?  You know, something that doesn't require lifting anything heavier that some files?  Please?


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