WHO: Aroon and Eduard WHERE: A quiet restaurant somewhere in Liberty. WHEN: The evening of Oct. 9th WHAT: Two supposed exes meet to talk about the aftermath of the first real date. RATING: A for ANGST D:
WHO:Aroon and Kimmy WHEN: 11:00 AM Wednesday morning on October 7 WHERE: ...somewhere in Huayan WHAT: Aroon and Kimmy are playing hookie and are spending some "quality" bonding time..while being lost.
WHO: Aroon and Eduard WHERE: Aroon's place. WHEN: 11:30 AM Sunday, September 20th WHAT: Aroon teaches Eduard how to prepare brunch. Hands-on. RATING: Ummmm, idk, PG-13 to M depending on what happens?
WHO: Eduard and Aroon WHEN: September 19th, Saturday, 9:30 AM WHERE: The Coffee Shoppe WHAT: A first date...At least it is to Eduard... RATING: I'll put a PG-13 Rating. Just to be safe...
WHO: Nikolej and Eduard and... ANYONE ELSE IS WELCOME REALLY, GETCHA READ ON, KIDS. Mind you, this is not a goddamn library! WHEN: A late Wednesday morning (September 16th). WHERE: Book Alley. Because he works here. WHAT: A MEETING OF MINDS. Or something like that.