Who: Kim, Lovi, the other one?
When: 3pm, Tuesday 5th January
Where: The apartment
What: Our monthly feud. Spawned from
This thread. In which Romano goes to prove a point, and is met with Kim's paddle.
Rating: AID for Asian in Denial. Oh, and Lovi's terrible powers of observation (or lack there of)
Unlike some people ]< )
Comments 11
Andie watched Romano curiously. Being a cat, she of course didn't really bother with his lack of clothes, she just went to the kitchen to eat her food.
But her owner reacted in a quite different way.
Kim had just gotten inside, and had taken her shoes and jacket off when Romano came into the living room. Naked. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. Yeah.
"..... What're you wearing?" she asked, while her face was slowly turning red.
His lip twitched. A devilish grin flashing across his features at the sight of blood rushing to Kim's cheeks.
Romano: 1, Kim: 0. That was all too easy.
In an act of innocence that couldn't even fool his own mother Romano turned, raising his hands in confusion, the smirk still planted firmly in place.
"'s wrong Kimmy?" The first time he'd called her anything other than Kim, "It's siesta time." You're lucky i'm wearing anything at all
A pause as he considered whether to push her or not.
Well, you only live once.
"What the hell is with this reaction anyway? Geez it's like you haven't seen a guy shirtless before."
He knew that wasn't the problem, but there was no harm in pulling her along. After all, Kim had definitely insisted she'd be indifferent to this.
Him calling her Kimmy for once just sounded taunting coming from him. Like he was making fun of her. She frowned slightly. Sure, she was a bit taken aback by being met by him in his underwear, but... She wasn't exactly raised around halfnude men.
Siesta... She knew what that meant, thanks to Toni. " Then go take your siesta in your room." she grumbled, picking up her bag again to head to her own room.
brows furrowed in a well-practiced pout, glowering at Kim as if she'd just told him to go jump off a cliff.
"Who are you, my mother? I'm allowed to get fucking water if i want."
Romano inwardly grinned, not only at the evident victory he'd had over Kim, but also at her reference to 'his room.'
Unfortunately, Romano's intelligence was not one to be aspired to, and neither was his observational capabilities. One week on and he had still not noticed the newly furnished store room-turn-bedroom Kim had put so much effort into making for him, despite the very obvious note posted to it's door.
For that reason, he'd immediately interpreted 'your room' as 'the room you successfully stole from Antonio and claimed as your own,' and that alone made him proud. (There was no time for guilt when mind-games were in play.)
Kim moved towards her room and Romano shrugged it off, aiming for what he'd assume would be one final blow.
"The porn was one thing but really...you are fucking sheltered. I can hook you up if you want....for a price."
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