The mean length of stay for the treatment of burns is

May 19, 2011 00:33

WHO: Open
WHEN: 19 May-25th May
WHERE: Florence Memorial Hospital, Room 304
WHAT: Hospital Visiting Hours

[OOC: This is basically for anyone who wants to visit Sindre while he's in the hospital, as the other thread was getting...long. Just post with your date and time of visit as you start a new run of threads~]

8.9 days )

owowow, open thread, hungary, status: complete, mongolia, fristaden christiania, norway, sweden, i hate hospital, poland, it's getting hot in here, fuck morphine

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Comments 142

Though he's there every day, let's just pick a date: May 22nd danskannabis May 19 2011, 13:10:32 UTC
He had done some artful planning these last few days to come up with the perfect belated birthday present for Sindre, as well as something to bide his time the remaining days in the hospital (that would only progress into the long weeks of at home recovery). For as close as he felt he and the Norwegian were, there honestly wasn't a lot that he knew about the man's personal interests. Magic, psychology, giving him a hard time over Valdi..

But he had managed to find two books he thought the Norwegian would find interesting, and baked off a few thin slices of cinnamon rolls that he had crisped up to an almost biscotti like texture. He wrapped the books separately in a plain deep blue wrapping, and left the cookies bagged in cellophane just in case the hospital needed to see what food he was bringing in. And for the sake of the visit and bringing good cheer he picked up a small deck of playing cards that he could leave with Sindre to put to good use in free hours ( ... )


Re: Though he's there every day, let's just pick a date: May 22nd talks_to_nisse May 19 2011, 23:16:16 UTC
"'m feeling all right," Sindre replied. "Still losing the argument over the painkillers." Logically, he could see how the doctors would still want him to be taking them. Personally, though, he just wanted to be off them.

A look of shock skittered across his face when Kai produced the gifts. "Thanks, Kai. I hadn't..." remembered, he didn't say. The people visiting had taken odd comments worse than he had intended; he didn't want to make anyone feel worse.

Taking the gifts from Kai, Sindre stared at them for a moment. "Takk."


Re: Though he's there every day, let's just pick a date: May 22nd danskannabis May 20 2011, 03:03:39 UTC
"I think they just want to make sure the worst of the painful things are fixed before they start to ween you back," Kai assured him the best he could. "They say burn wounds can reap some of the most debilitating pain imaginable.. it's better to hold tight to the medication or else you could have a seizure or stroke from pain."

His mouth felt a little dry after such serious things were aired out, the pit of his stomach twisting over the mental imagery that such thoughts dredged up from the back of his subconscious. Focus on something else, he told himself. Happy things. Like ducks. And puppies. Jenga. Popscicles. Dannebrog.

Ah, Dannebrog.

He smiled just a bit, a gesture that warmed considerable at the shell-shocked look on Sindre's face. "You can open 'em," He offered, then reconsidered. "O-Or you don't have to now, whenever is good for you, yeah?"


Re: Though he's there every day, let's just pick a date: May 22nd talks_to_nisse May 20 2011, 18:08:39 UTC
Shaking his head, Sindre slowly opened the packages, keeping the paper as whole as he could. Less mess that way. And, if he kept the paper nice enough, it could be reused later.

He had to bite the inside of his cheek hard not to show his amusement at the books. They were, admittedly, of the genre he would enjoy. They just...lacked any sort of realism. As if anything published to be acceptable to all people could ever be all that applicable to one person.

Looking back up at Kai, he nodded. "Takk, Kai. You're the first person who remembered."


19th of May, 2:00pm lizzypan May 19 2011, 14:56:00 UTC
Sindre was in the hospital.

Sindre, the most reasonable and sane out of all her friends, was in the hospital. Elizaveta took no time at all in hopping into a cab and then tipping the driver extra after yelling at him for half of the ride and sobbing for the other. Once she got to the hospital though, all her energy fell out of her as she felt incredibly scared.

Wilm had said that he was okay. But okay wasn't a good thing. Countless situations burned in the back of her head as she found her way listlessly to Sindre's room, in which she almost walked out of because she thought she had found the wrong room. No, it was Sindre. The pale room was lit up only by some flowers, and there he was. Impossibly weak. Staring at him, Elizaveta suddenly found her passion again.

"Sindre!" She wiped the tears she didn't know she had shed as she kneeled beside his bed, smiling. "You don't look too great now, honey." Right now, she needed to be happy and supportive, because he would make it through this. He would. "Is there anything I can do for you? ( ... )


Re: 19th of May, 2:00pm talks_to_nisse May 19 2011, 23:01:59 UTC
"Hei, 'Veta," Sindre greeted. "You, on the other hand, look lovely with your mascara running. An' I've slept enough these past few days; don't want a lullaby anytime soon."

He turned serious, though, to answer her question. "'m fine, really. Just some burns. They'll heal up. 'm not dying or anything."

Reaching out to take her hand, he forced a smirk. "Though there is this weepy blond woman who is insisting on making a scene in my room."


Re: 19th of May, 2:00pm lizzypan May 20 2011, 03:31:09 UTC
If he wasn't hurt, Elizaveta might've smacked him. Instead, she laughed. "Well, if you're well enough to make you're usual biting remarks, I suppose I should put aside my scene for now."

Frowning, she stared at Sindre. "But still, god. What the hell happened? I know a fire escalated, but... Nevermind. Maybe I don't want to know. Just get better, alright?"

Pausing, Elizaveta smirked slightly. "If you don't get better soon, who knows, I know a director who would be delighted to film a story about a bedridden Norwegian."


Re: 19th of May, 2:00pm talks_to_nisse May 20 2011, 17:20:22 UTC
Sindre sighed. "Feliks happened," he replied. "Dunno if you've met him. He's an annoyance who can't handle rational behavior. He came in the shop with a lighter and..." he shook his head. "I have no idea how it all happened. Just...Feliks did."

Sindre blanched, though, at the thought of the man who had done that near him while he couldn't get away. "If you call him, I'll e-mail Gilbert the commercial," he shot back.


Moon hadn't been on the mission when Madame Maime's had burned. He'd been off that day, but he still heard about it, and knew Sindre worked there.

As far as he knew, he considered the other guy a friend, so he decided to go and visit, just to check up and make sure he was okay.

A nurse showed him to the room, and he peeked inside. Now, he wasn't too fond of hospitals, having been there a few times himself, thanks to... certain events and also from a couple of accidents at work in the past.

But it wasn't him in the hospital this time, it was a friend. Who, from what he'd heard and read on blogs, was badly injured, and he couldn't resist this slight feeling of worry.

Was he even awake?

"Sindre?" he tried, not wanting to startle the other.


Blinking awake at the sound of another's voice, Sindre was almost surprised to see Moon. "Hei," he responded. "Guess you heard."


He chuckled a little actually. "Well, a couple of the firefighters told me." He sat down in a chair. "And I knew where you worked so..." It felt a bit strange, but... Who cares anyway.

"I'm guessing you feel like crap?"


Imma guess Moon talks_to_nisse May 20 2011, 17:15:48 UTC
"'s an accurate assessment," Sindre admitted. "We'll have to hold off on that camping trip."


May 19th, morning polishflare May 19 2011, 17:42:42 UTC
Feliks carefully pushed open the door and eased it closed behind him. Guests were allowed to visit now so he didn't really need to be sneaking around, but he felt like he wasn't supposed to be there. So, sneaking around felt appropriate.

He crept over to the bed and peeked over it. He could see Sindre lying there... not really moving. Feliks' eyes went wider. Did they keep dead people in the hospital beds...?! No, that didn't seem right.

He reached up and slowly poked the other on the shoulder, withdrawing his hand quickly.

In a small voice he tried to call out to the other, "...Hippie"


o/ talks_to_nisse May 19 2011, 21:27:59 UTC
"Don't touch me again," Sindre replied flatly, not opening his eyes.


:T polishflare May 20 2011, 03:41:27 UTC
Feliks stood up and crossed his arms. He stared down at Sindre with a disgruntled look.

"I could've totally just saved your life with that poke, cause you weren't moving and all." he muttered, "And that's what you say."

It seemed that was all Sindre was going to say on that though. Glancing back down at the other Feliks couldn't help but relax his defensiveness. He lowered his arms and let out a sigh. Sindre still didn't seem to be very alive even though he'd responded.

Feliks fidgeted, "Are you, like... okay?"


=/ talks_to_nisse May 20 2011, 17:07:52 UTC
"Poking an injured person isn't going to save his life," he pointed out, opening his eyes to glare at Feliks. "Setting a store on fire, however, is likely to get someone killed."


May 23rd, late afternoon oxenstierna_b May 19 2011, 20:32:38 UTC
From the evening to the faithful day of Sindre's birthday and the fire, to afternoon on the day after, Berwald hadn't been able to leave the hospital, beyond reloacating himself to various waiting areas or pacing the hallways whenever the doctors and nurses wanted to check on him or change his bandages ( ... )


Re: May 23rd, late afternoon talks_to_nisse May 19 2011, 22:54:25 UTC
"Hei," Sindre replied, setting aside The Secret Language of Birthdays. The book was turning out to be as ridiculous as it sounded, but Sindre hadn't expected to find it quiet so...entertaining. It had even caused him to laugh aloud a few times, though the nurse had threatened to take it, as those laughs turned into coughing fits.

As Berwald settled next to him, Sindre looked him over with a critical eye. Berwald still looked worn down. His face seemed a bit narrower as well.

"You don't have to come see me every day," he admonished. "Have you been eating? Sleeping?"


Re: May 23rd, late afternoon oxenstierna_b May 20 2011, 00:47:48 UTC
"Uh... yeah," Berwald replied, his voice coming out far too guilty when it was, essentially, the truth, as long as one didn't try to attach any qualitative adjectives like "well" to it. Berwald did his best to relax his shoulders from their tense cast and cleared his throat.

"I like seeing ya, t' make sure..." he shrugged. "Just like seing ya," he repeated more decisively. "How're ya feeling t'day?" he added, giving Sindre a worried once over, not that he could really see any obvious changes.

Most of the bandaging was still there, except a few places on his face that had had only mild burns or abrasions from the bookshelf that had fallen on him, and which had been judged not to need covering up. Selfishly, Berwald wished they had been anyway, because he found it difficult to look at Sindre's face and not find his gaze drawn to the reddened patches of skin...


Re: May 23rd, late afternoon talks_to_nisse May 20 2011, 00:57:55 UTC
"Ah..." Sindre said articulately, looking down in embarrassment. "'s good to have your company," he admitted.

He quickly turned his attention to Berwald's question. "I'm feeling like I want to get out of here," he groused. He didn't have a specific hatred of hospitals, but all this time spent doing nothing made him antsy. He didn't have the time or the inclination to just sit around.

He looked at Berwald wistfully. "Willing to help a jailbreak?"


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