The mean length of stay for the treatment of burns is

May 19, 2011 00:33

WHO: Open
WHEN: 19 May-25th May
WHERE: Florence Memorial Hospital, Room 304
WHAT: Hospital Visiting Hours

[OOC: This is basically for anyone who wants to visit Sindre while he's in the hospital, as the other thread was getting...long. Just post with your date and time of visit as you start a new run of threads~]

8.9 days )

owowow, open thread, hungary, status: complete, mongolia, fristaden christiania, norway, sweden, i hate hospital, poland, it's getting hot in here, fuck morphine

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Comments 142

May 24th, afternoon (aka: HE FINALLY CAME) toris_tori May 22 2011, 01:33:10 UTC
Standing outside door, Toris let out a long breath. It wasn't like he hadn't planned on coming her a long while ago...other things had just gotten in the way. And since he'd figured out that it was Feliks of all people that had caused the accident (he wanted to badly to be surprised, but just couldn't find the energy to pretend to be) he knew he had to come. If nothing else to apologize for the blond. His roommate wasn't too good at say the least.

Running a quick hand through his hair, he knocked lightly on the open door and waited till Sindre turned around. He didn't look as bad as Toris' (occasionally) overactive imagination had pictured him to be, but 'normal' would not be the word either.

Giving the blond a small smile Toris simply said, "Hey Sindre."


Re: May 24th, afternoon (aka: HE FINALLY CAME) talks_to_nisse May 22 2011, 02:46:50 UTC
A knock on the door startled him out of the light doze he had fallen into. Turning to look at the newcomer, Sindre's face softened at the sight. "Hei, Toris," he replied just as simply.


toris_tori May 22 2011, 04:21:18 UTC
Smile becoming a little less strained, Toris walked fully into the room, quipping as he did so in a subtle, teasing way, "I would ask how you are, but that's a fairly obvious question with an equally obvious answer." Seating himself on one of the nearby chair he gave the blond a closer look before dropping the teasing tone.

"I'm sorry for not coming earlier."


talks_to_nisse May 22 2011, 04:44:30 UTC
Sindre nodded at that. "I'm alive, I hurt, and I'm going to take a while to recuperated," he told the other man. "Everything beyond that is just details.

He shrugged a bit at Toris' next words. "'s okay. People have lives to live. And this way I get a visitor today."


Morning of the 24th mystiklsushi May 25 2011, 00:43:11 UTC
Kiku knocked softly on the partially open door, entering as quietly as possible. He did not want to disturb Sindre if he was sleeping. It wouldn't take long for him to recognize who had visited once he spotted the origami crane among the flowers, and that was enough.


Re: Morning of the 24th talks_to_nisse May 25 2011, 01:30:56 UTC
Looking up at the noise, Sindre nodded at the man in the doorway.

"Hei, Kiku," he said quietly. "It's nice to see you."


mystiklsushi May 25 2011, 01:35:56 UTC
"I didn't mean to disturb you. Are you resting well?"

Kiku perched on the visitor's chair, gingerly handing over the small folded paper bird. He had already been to visit once, with Willem, the day after the fire, and was glad to see how much Sindre's overall condition had improved since then.


talks_to_nisse May 25 2011, 01:50:11 UTC
"'s all I'm doing," Sindre responded wryly. "It'll be nice to be able to get up and move."

Taking the crane, Sindre smiled a bit. "Thank you, Kiku. I like it."


May 20th, noonish. waitforsuperman May 28 2011, 06:27:20 UTC
Alfred read the blog that some guy he'd never met before put up about Sindre and immediately rearranged his schedule, leaving one of the other guys at the comic shop in charge before rushing out, grabbing a few things and hurrying off to hospital.

Peeking into the Norwegian's room, Alfred knocked once and let himself inside, hiding a paperbag behind his back, smiling at him and waving. "Hey..." He said quietly. "Just- thought I'd stop by, I brought you something too-"

Carefully, Alfred approached the bed, pulling out a bagel from the paperbag. "Since- hospital food tends to suck."


I hope that was a cute reference back to Norway shenanigans, because I took it as such~ talks_to_nisse May 28 2011, 07:41:53 UTC
Sindre looked up from the hospital...he wasn't going to go so far as to call what had been served for lunch food. Hospital meal. He looked up from the hospital meal and shot Alfred a grateful look.

"Takk," he said as he took the bagel from Alfred. His expression turned a bit rueful. "I'm sorry this is how we meet for the first time since you've been back."


IT WAS. I DID THAT. <3 waitforsuperman June 2 2011, 05:06:51 UTC
Alfred shrugged. "Hey, at least it got me off my butt to see you." Looking around, he took in the one uncomfortable looking chair and wriggled his nose, instead sitting on the edge of the bed, playing with a hole in his jeans.

"It feels kinda stupid to ask you how you're doing." He said, smiling weakly. "But at least you're alive."


*A* You're amazing talks_to_nisse June 2 2011, 07:02:43 UTC
Tearing off a bit of the bagel to eat, Sindre swallowed before speaking. "I am," he confirmed. "And with minimal lasting damage. So I suppose I'm lucky in that regard."


Evening 20th: Berwald and Wilm oxenstierna_b June 9 2011, 21:34:32 UTC
Berwald had gone home the previous afternoon, to shower and half-heartedly nibble on something... but he still hadn't really slept properly since the fire, now three night ago, and not so well even before that. Only short fits, here and there on uncomfortable hospital benches when his body had simply shut down for a moment ( ... )


Evening 20th: Berwald and Wilm oranje_windmill June 9 2011, 21:51:07 UTC
They had stopped him when he'd been in the day before, pestering him to come in for a check up to see how his lungs were doing. And with Kiku there, he hadn't been able to brush it off, so here he was today so a doctor could tell him what he already knew. He was still a little sore and his voice was still raspy, but he felt much better then he had that first night.

At least until he walked out of the examination room and somebody collided with him. He turned, sharp retort on his tongue, only to stop when he recognized the other person.



oxenstierna_b June 9 2011, 22:01:55 UTC
Even once he got his glasses straight and could see something other than a blurry blob, Berwald just stared at the man for a moment, uncomprehending. He was familiar, but his brain was simply too tired to comprehend from where, or what his name was for a long, drawn out moment, before the right neurons finally sparked off.



oranje_windmill June 16 2011, 03:41:33 UTC
"It's been a while," Willem said as he looked the other man over. He noticed the unfocused eyes, the dark circles, the slumped shoulders.

"You look like hell." he said. "Are you okay?"

As he spoke, he guided the other man towards a few chairs that were nearby, worried that the Swede might fall over if he didn't sit down.


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