Lucy stared at the screen, not daring to take her eyes off of it, shaking her head slowly before taking a deep breath and turning round the the remaining members of the group.
She pointed back to the tv screen without looking back at it, angry tears in her eyes.
Remy wanted nothing more than to shout right back at Lucy, that her choice of not thinking at all could have killed someone just as innocent, and ask her what kind of heartless witch would use that kind of loss to make a point...
But she kept her mouth shut, hovering close to Peter, in case he needed someone. He shouldn't have had to see that. Nobody should ever see something like that happen to someone they love....
The moment Rory saw Raivis' name on the screen, she desperetly grabbed Peter, pulled him into bear hug, making sure he couldn't see the screen unless he managed to pull away somehow.
She watches...only so much of it though.
"I...I was so sure that if it wasn't you it would of been..." she trailed off, looking at Ivan, not trying to read the expression on his face, then looking at herself. "I didn't think..." at the sound of last gasps for air, for life, she forced herself to swallow before burrying her head on Peter's shoulder. "What pointed at them? Everything seemed to be at us."
She didn't listen to Lucy's screaming, too busy cooing and petting Peter to worry about anyone elses grief.
He wanted to retch until the fluid came up clear, until all his filthy blood and organs hemorrhaged into pulpy clotted masses on the brokenly tiled floor, until he felt clean inside.
But he was burning with guilt inside, and his doctrine of faith said that fire purified everything.
So he let himself be licked by flame.
First his Emami, then his cousin.
And now the only two friends he had in this godforsaken shithole of a city-
Ha. Cum a fost corect, a fost greu echitabil în toate, nu era ca el ar cu adevărat ceva gresit in viata lui, coincidenţe au fost doar coincidenţe şi ghinionul a fost ghinion, şi se întrebă pentru un moment în cazul în care aceasta a fost doar Miruna felul de vina el da vina el vina pe el pentru a fi speriat atingi de ea şi de a fi al naibii ca ea s-au înecat şi s-au înecat şi a strigat numele lui, prin greutatea de o limba plecat grele de la umflarea, gât sufocare închise astfel încât ea a fost mort înainte de a mers sub apă
( ... )
"Ионя," his eyes quivered in every which direction, trying to notice every single line on his cousin's face, every mattered piece of hair falling over his shoulders. Those were not tears peeking at the corners of his eyes, his damp scarf falling over his knees like a frozen stream instead of between his lips where it stayed secure. He could feel the predatory touches on his wrists like the flightpath of vultures waiting for his blood to bake away in the radiation of the fluorescent lights, but the calloused fingertips were something... eerily familiar. The close proximity, the warmth of whatever breath they had left in their lungs swirling in the air between them.
The vultures on his wrists turned into pigeons. "Наша семья так мала. У нас есть только друг с другом. Наталья ... Она ходила. Мертвых. Есть только два из нас."
[["Eyonya (pet name). Our family is so small. We only have each other. Natalia... she is gone. Dead. There are only two of us.]]
Zhi felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't tear his eyes off the television as on-screen, the executions took place. A heavy weight settled in his chest and he took a step back. It was his fault-- it was all his fault.
He had sentenced Raivis and Valdi to death.
A deep shuddering breath was drawn and he brought shaking hands up to his face, pressing the balls of his palms against his eyes, forcing back the tears of guilt threatening to fall, because 天啊, he was responsible. He had spoken out his theory, he had accused Raivis, he had lead others to believe the same way when no one would have thought of suspecting them had he not said a word. But the two had been innocent
( ... )
First was the video sending all of them into a trance of shock and numbness, then having to see his brother blame himself for accusing the wrong person, the wrong people. Yao felt that he should've died, should have died along with Peter to rid the sorrow and guilt etched in Zhi's face, the scorn his partner has, and the rage from the others. He should've let the game....the's way
( ... )
Comments 19
She pointed back to the tv screen without looking back at it, angry tears in her eyes.
"This SHIT happens!"
But she kept her mouth shut, hovering close to Peter, in case he needed someone. He shouldn't have had to see that. Nobody should ever see something like that happen to someone they love....
She watches...only so much of it though.
"I...I was so sure that if it wasn't you it would of been..." she trailed off, looking at Ivan, not trying to read the expression on his face, then looking at herself. "I didn't think..." at the sound of last gasps for air, for life, she forced herself to swallow before burrying her head on Peter's shoulder. "What pointed at them? Everything seemed to be at us."
She didn't listen to Lucy's screaming, too busy cooing and petting Peter to worry about anyone elses grief.
He wanted to retch until the fluid came up clear, until all his filthy blood and organs hemorrhaged into pulpy clotted masses on the brokenly tiled floor, until he felt clean inside.
But he was burning with guilt inside, and his doctrine of faith said that fire purified everything.
So he let himself be licked by flame.
First his Emami, then his cousin.
And now the only two friends he had in this godforsaken shithole of a city-
Ha. Cum a fost corect, a fost greu echitabil în toate, nu era ca el ar cu adevărat ceva gresit in viata lui, coincidenţe au fost doar coincidenţe şi ghinionul a fost ghinion, şi se întrebă pentru un moment în cazul în care aceasta a fost doar Miruna felul de vina el da vina el vina pe el pentru a fi speriat atingi de ea şi de a fi al naibii ca ea s-au înecat şi s-au înecat şi a strigat numele lui, prin greutatea de o limba plecat grele de la umflarea, gât sufocare închise astfel încât ea a fost mort înainte de a mers sub apă ( ... )
The vultures on his wrists turned into pigeons. "Наша семья так мала. У нас есть только друг с другом. Наталья ... Она ходила. Мертвых. Есть только два из нас."
[["Eyonya (pet name). Our family is so small. We only have each other. Natalia... she is gone. Dead. There are only two of us.]]
He had sentenced Raivis and Valdi to death.
A deep shuddering breath was drawn and he brought shaking hands up to his face, pressing the balls of his palms against his eyes, forcing back the tears of guilt threatening to fall, because 天啊, he was responsible. He had spoken out his theory, he had accused Raivis, he had lead others to believe the same way when no one would have thought of suspecting them had he not said a word. But the two had been innocent ( ... )
First was the video sending all of them into a trance of shock and numbness, then having to see his brother blame himself for accusing the wrong person, the wrong people. Yao felt that he should've died, should have died along with Peter to rid the sorrow and guilt etched in Zhi's face, the scorn his partner has, and the rage from the others. He should've let the game....the's way ( ... )
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