WHO: Martín and... Juanita the mattress? Surprise appearance by Luciano!
WHEN: Backdated - the day after the Winchester
brawling. (June 23rd)
WHERE: Milo's Home for Latinos.
WHAT: My pants are still on, so I'm pretty sure nothing happened...
The bunk beds were a terrible idea! Why'd you let us do that?! )
Comments 21
"¡Che! Be quiet, boludo," Martín croaked, wincing away from the rap on the top of his poor head. He simply grumbled and rolled over, unconcerned about whoever this strange man was in his b... Wait a second, this wasn't even a bed. This wasn't even his apartment.
He shot up, clutching the back of the sofa. A wave of nausea almost had him doubled up again, but now, in addition to feeling as if he had just been run through a paper shredder a dozen or so times, now there was a growing panic. He breathed hard through his nose and glanced around slowly, hoping for the tail-end of last night's memories to come flooding back.
With a glazed look, he peered over his shoulder at the new voice, rubbing his knuckles against one eye.
"What it this even happening..."
stretching out. "Rough night, Jua-" Luciano stopped midstream looking down now to see the shirtless male sitting beside the young Mexican. The grin wiped from his face and instantly he pointed at the male. "Y-YOU?!" He said shocked. "AND YOU?!" He then pointed to Juan. "O que diabos está acontecendo?!" he asked in Portuguese nodding his head. "What is he doing here?!" he asked, looking at Juan and pointing to Martin as if he was an object.
1.Good Morning
2.What the hell is going on?!
Maybe... maybe he was still asleep. In some hellish nightmare, the stupid Brazilian was haunting him and screaming at him in his fucked up Portuguese. But that didn't account for the splitting headache, or the way his guts churned, or how the light seemed to be slicing his eyeballs open...
No, by some sick twist of fate it really was Luciano. And his fucked up Portuguese. Martín made an unhappy albeit barely audible sound under his breath, gingerly holding the side of his face - which was clean, oddly enough, though he couldn't remember how that happened either - with his aching hand.
"Shut jor mouth," he whined, scowling at Luciano, and then, as if miraculously expecting sympathy, he added, "I has a headache."
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