Welcome~ ! And now: Write!

May 09, 2010 07:21

Hello and welcome!

We have gathered here to celebrate politics in a special way. All those beautiful puns brought to us by the election coverage and, of course, the people involved, have already sparked the imagination of most of us. This is the place to show your ideas to a (hopefully) big audience.

You want to read what David Cameron and Nick Clegg did when they were on holiday in Malta? Ask for it!
You are looking for inspiration and "OMG, someone asked for a Food!AU which plays in a supermarket at night, everyone is turned into a food item and they have a secret party", which you think is perfect? Write it!
You couldn't help yourself and wrote the adventures of Gordon "Grumpy" Brown and his six brothers? Post it here!

Some guidelines:

1) It's an anonymous meme, which means you will either have to log out to post or you can use the "anonymous"-option when commenting.

2) Anything goes!  Slash, fluff, gen, het, crack, crossovers, au,....  just remember to include a warning in the title when you post stuff like non-con/dub-con, bloodplay, death!fic,.. for some people might rather not read that.

3) Don't be shy! You can request whatever and how often you wish. To keep a balance, it would be nice if everyone tried to fill in at least one other request. Otherwise we might end up with just 3 pages of prompts. It's anonymous and no one will shout at you for filling their prompt. In fact, it's much more likely that people are happy to see their requests getting filled ;)
(If you fill a prompt, make sure to include something like "fic" in your reply. Makes it easier to find ^^)

4) Play nicely! You might not like a certain person or party, fine, ignore it then. Bashing and bitching is the last thing we want here.


(ETA: Set up an archive at delicious. Suggestions welcome.)

When you reach the magic number of 5000 please continue the fun over here!

ETA: As one of you awesome people pointed out, you can see the most  recent comments if you click http://lolitics-meme.livejournal.com/601.html?view=flat#comments  and look at the last pages!

prompting: 01, welcome

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